masterchef是什么意思 masterchef的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-07-24 09:28:34离群

masterchef是什么意思 masterchef的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. 我很喜欢看“大厨驾到”,他们做的菜看起来都很好吃。

I really enjoy watching "MasterChef". The dishes they make all look delicious.

2. 你想要成为一个大厨吗?你可以参加“大厨驾到”比赛,展示你的厨艺。

Do you want to be a chef? You can join the "MasterChef" competition and showcase your cooking skills.




例句:I work in advertising, and I enjoy my career, but I'm so ready to win MasterChef and change my life. (我在广告业工作 很享受自己的事业 但是我早就准备好赢得比赛 改变人生)




例句:I'm watching this pastry cream ooze out the sides, and I'm just seeing myself walking out of the MasterChef doors. (我看着奶油夹心渗了出来 就好像看着我自己 走出了《厨艺大师》的大门)


例句:Tonight, you have to serve them in the MasterChef restaurant a composed MasterChef-worthy entree. (翻译:今晚 你们将在《厨艺大师》餐厅 以一道厨艺大师级的主菜款待他们)


1. I'm watching this pastry cream ooze out the sides, and I'm just seeing myself walking out of the MasterChef doors. (翻译:我看着奶油夹心渗了出来 就好像看着我自己 走出了《厨艺大师》的大门)

2. Tonight, you have to serve them in the MasterChef restaurant a composed MasterChef-worthy entree. (翻译:今晚 你们将在《厨艺大师》餐厅 以一道厨艺大师级的主菜款待他们)

3. I didn't play anything safe, and to me, that's what a MasterChef is. (翻译:我完全没有打保守牌 我认为这才是厨艺大师的素质)

4. Courtney, Leslie, Elizabeth, please head back in to the MasterChef kitchen while these amazing chefs taste your dishes. (翻译:请回到厨房 让这些名厨们品尝一下你们的菜肴)

5. You'll each have ten minutes in the MasterChef pantry to get everything you need to cook us the best three-course meal of your entire lives. (翻译:你们有10分钟在储藏室里 挑选一切所需食材 呈现你们一生最棒的三道菜)

6. In the end, Roen and Jewels had to say good-bye to the MasterChef kitchen. (翻译:最后 Roen和Jewels不得不离开比赛)

7. Elizabeth has made MasterChef history... (翻译:Elizabeth创造了《厨艺大师》的历史)

8. We now have to work out which one of you moves on to the MasterChef grand finale. (翻译:我们现在要决定你们中的哪一位 能进入《厨艺大师》的决赛)

9. I wanted to win junior MasterChef, but that's okay. (翻译:我想赢《小小厨神》 但是没赢也没关系 每个人都要回家)

10. Tonight, I am struggling with timing more than I have any time previously cooking in the MasterChef kitchen, and I think that it's the added pressure of everyone watching and everything that's at stake. (翻译:今晚我在《厨艺大师》厨房里 一直在与时间搏斗 比以往任何时候都激烈)

11. Now, if you think you've got what it takes to become America's next MasterChef, (翻译:如果你认为自己具有 成为下一位厨艺大师的潜力)

12. I'd like all three of you to come with us into the MasterChef restaurant and explain to our 50 chefs from 50 states what you've cooked for them tonight. (翻译:请和我们一起到餐厅来 向来自50个州的50位厨师 介绍你们的菜肴)

13. Now both of you will perhaps the most grueling and the most important pressure test you've ever done in this competition, where only one of you will join Elizabeth in the grand final of MasterChef. (翻译:现在你们将面临比赛至今 最为残酷亦是最为重要的压力测试 你们中只有一人)

14. After you're done cooking each course, you'll serve your dishes to us in the MasterChef restaurant where we'll taste your dishes and make some very critical decisions. (翻译:你们完成每道后 在《厨艺大师》餐厅为我们上菜 我们将在那品鉴菜品)


