igc是什么意思 igc的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-07-24 13:32:35披头尸

igc是什么意思 igc的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 定义:'igc'是指国际普通证书教育(International General Certificate of Education),是一项由剑桥国际考试院主办的全球性考试项目。它为全球的学生提供了标准化的教育和评估体系,旨在帮助学生提高英语能力和综合素养。

2. 考试科目:'igc'考试包括数学、英语、物理、化学、生物、历史、地理、商业、经济学等多个科目,学生可根据自身兴趣和需求选择报考科目。

3. 考试级别:'igc'考试分为普通级别(Ordinary Level,简称'O'Level)和高级别(Advanced Level,简称'A'Level)两个级别,'O'Level考试主要考察学生对基础知识的掌握和应用能力,而'A'Level考试则更加注重学生的深入思考和分析能力。

4. 国际认可:'igc'考试在全球范围内得到了广泛认可和接受,被许多国家和地区的大学和高等教育机构作为入学考试的依据之一。


1. She's preparing for her 'igc' English exam next month. 她正在准备下个月的'igc'英语考试。

2. He achieved excellent grades in his 'igc' Biology exam. 他在'igc'生物考试中取得了优异的成绩。

3. The school offers a range of 'igc' subjects for students to choose from. 学校提供多种'igc'科目供学生选择。

4. Many universities in the UK now recognize 'igc' qualifications for entry. 许多英国大学现在承认'igc'资格作为入学条件之一。

5. The 'igc' program helps students develop a range of skills and knowledge for success in their future careers. 'igc'项目帮助学生发展各种技能和知识,为未来职业的成功做好准备。





例句:Mitterrand further insisted that the opening of the IGC be announced in December 1989 during the French presidency of the European Council. (密特朗进一步主张在xx年xx月由法国担任欧洲理事会轮值国期间宣布间会议的成立。)


例句:South Africa believed that the voice and experience of indigenous and local communities had been a vital contribution to the IGC's work. (南非认为,土著和当地社区的意见和经验为IGC的工作作出了重要贡献。)


例句:With the collapse of the Berlin Wall, Mitterrand saw an opportunity for rapid convocation of Delors' IGC. (随着柏林墙的倒塌,密特朗发现了一个能够迅速召开德洛尔间会议的契机。)


1. With the collapse of the Berlin Wall, Mitterrand saw an opportunity for rapid convocation of Delors' IGC. (翻译:随着柏林墙的倒塌,密特朗发现了一个能够迅速召开德洛尔间会议的契机。)

2. IGC also USES the survey results to understand the state of information governance worldwide. (翻译:IGC还使用调查结果了解全球的信息治理状态。)

3. The Delegation of India stated that the IGC was looking into the various concerns quite competently. (翻译:印度代表团表示,IGC在研究令人关注的各项问题方面非常能干。)

4. Progress had been made since the last session of the IGC, but substantive progress had not been particularly tangible. (翻译:自IGC上届会议以来,已取得一些进展,但尚无任何特别具体的实质性进展。)
