岳阳路用英语怎么说 岳阳路的英语翻译

生活学习2023-07-24 15:18:34风雨兼程

岳阳路用英语翻译为"oil circuit",还经常被译作yuy,在《现代英语词典》中,共找到78个与岳阳路相关翻译和例句。

1. Looks like she knew just when to leave.

2. - Eyes on the ad. Eyes on the ad!

岳阳路用英语怎么说 岳阳路的英语翻译

3. Fm Yueyang Garden City instruments Company, flute teacher with excellent teachings method and good etudes.

4. Lou! Yeah, um, my name's Arth Stuart, fm the Herald.

5. eastern parkway, not the belt parkway.

6. Look at the ad. Look at the ad. Good.

7. The ads. The--the--the ads in--

8. This oversized bdge linking Suizhou -Yueyang Expressway acss the Yangtze River is expected to be completed next year.


9. The high ad and the low, the long and winding, the lonesome, the yal, the open ad and the pvate.

10. it is a long way, and you say the ad is bad.

11. The only existing pfessional Baling Opera tupe today, is on the verge of extinction and in gent need of ptection.


12. How about Rudy? Who's Rudy?

13. "Six vertical" that Keyun Road, Section Wood Long Road, Grand View Road - Belay, Zhuji Road, Maog Road, Fung Lok Road.

