ccrc是什么意思 ccrc的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-07-24 19:02:34浅吻


1. China Construction Railway Corporation 中国铁道建筑有限公司

ccrc是什么意思 ccrc的中文翻译、读音、例句


- CCRC has signed a contract to build a railway in Africa. 中国铁建与非洲签署了一项铁路建设合同。

- The CCRC is responsible for the construction of the high-speed railway in that region. 中国铁建负责建设该地区的高速铁路。

2. Community College Research Center 社区大学研究中心


- The CCRC has published a report on the effectiveness of developmental education in community colleges. 社区大学研究中心发布了一份关于社区大学发展教育效果的报告。

- Many community colleges are collaborating with CCRC to improve their programs and services. 许多社区大学正在与社区大学研究中心合作,改进他们的课程和服务。

3. Cloud Customer Reference Code 云客户推荐代码


- The CCRC can help you generate and manage your cloud customer reference codes. 云客户推荐代码可以帮助您识别和追踪客户的反馈信息。

- You need to provide your CCRC to access the cloud platform. 您需要提供云客户推荐代码才能访问云平台。

4. Chinese Communist Revolution Committee 中国委员会


- The CCRC played an important role in the early stage of the Chinese Communist Party. 中国委员会在中国党的早期阶段发挥了重要作用。

- Mao Zedong was the chairman of CCRC in the 1920s. 曾在20世纪xx年代担任中国委员会。


1. The CCRC is one of the largest construction companies in China, with a strong track record in railway projects. 中国铁建是中国最大的建筑公司之一,在铁路项目方面拥有强大的业绩。

2. The CCRC has conducted extensive research on the challenges facing community colleges in the United States. 社区大学研究中心对美国社区大学面临的挑战进行了广泛的研究。

3. To use the cloud platform, you need to obtain a CCRC from your service provider. 要使用云平台,您需要从服务提供商获得CCRC。

4. The CCRC played a key role in the Chinese Communist Party's early efforts to establish itself as a revolutionary force. 中国委员会在中国党早期确立自己作为力量的努力中起着关键作用。

5. The CCRC's annual report on railway construction highlights the company's achievements and challenges over the past year. 中国铁建的铁路建设年度报告突出了公司过去xx年的成就和挑战。

CCRC的中文翻译为连续照顾退役社区,读音为lx zhog tuy jnrn shq。例句:CCRC提供了综合性的服务,为退役提供居住、医疗、社交等支持。(The CCRC provides comprehensive services to support veterans in areas such as housing, healthcare, and social interaction.)




例句:Common issues raised by users when using CCRC. (当使用CCRC时用户提出的普遍问题。)





1. Common CCRC actions of a developer. (翻译:普遍的开发人员的CCRC操作。)
