dated是什么意思 dated的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-07-28 09:38:30北悸安凉


1. 词义及用法:

dated是什么意思 dated的中文翻译、读音、例句

'dated'是 'date' 的过去式和过去分词形式,表示时间上已经过时或过去了的含义。可以用作动词或形容词。在口语中,也有缩写成'd'的情况。

2. 用法范围:

(1) 时间:

'dated'用于表示时间或日期过早或过晚。例如:"The document is dated two weeks ago."(这份文件的日期是两周前。)

(2) 人的状态:

'dated'用于表示某人的思想观念,行为或打扮上过时了。例如:"I can't believe he still wears those dated clothes."(我简直不敢相信他还穿这种过时的衣服。)

(3) 相关物品:

'dated'用于表示某物时代性过时,不符合当代需求。例如:"This computer is just too slow and dated."(这台计算机速度太慢了,过时了。)

3. 例句:

(1) The letter was dated 23 March 2017.(这封信的日期是xx年xx月xx日。)

(2) The design looks dated and out of style.(这个设计看起来已经落伍且不时尚。)

(3) The movie was entertaining, but the jokes were a bit dated.(这部电影很有趣,但笑话有些过时。)

(4) I couldn't believe she was still using that dated flip phone.(我简直不敢相信她还在用那种老式的翻盖手机。)

(5) The book's ideas were dated and irrelevant to modern society.(这本书的观点过时,与现代社会不相关。)




1. This technology is already dated and needs to be upgraded.(这项技术已经过时,需要升级。)

2. The furniture in the room looked dated and shabby.(房间里的家具看起来老旧破烂。)

3. The food in the supermarket was dated and expired.(超市里的食物已经过期了。)

4. She found a box of old letters, all dated from the 1940s.(她发现了一盒旧信,所有信件都标注着xx年代的日期。)




例句:Issue dated October 4th, 1971. (lssue日期为xx月xx日,1 971。)


例句:You know, if I dated Mandy, that would teach both Leonard and Amy a lesson. (我要是跟Mandy约会 You know, if I dated Mandy, 算是同时给Leonard和Amy一个教训 that would teach both Leonard and Amy a lesson.)


例句:Supposing a painting was discovered that was dated, say, 1902 or 1903... (假设一幅画被发现 然后绘画的日期是1902或者1903)


例句:White kids that want to be black is a little dated and cliche. (翻译:希望成为黑人的白人小孩 有点过时和俗套了吧?)


dated一般作为形容词、动词使用,如在no dated(未注明日期的)、not dated(注明日期)、double dated(两对男女一起的约会)等常见短语中出现较多。

no dated未注明日期的
not dated注明日期
double dated两对男女一起的约会
long dated[经] 远期的
post datedv. 把日期填迟(postdate的过去式和过去分词)
short datedadj. 短期的;时间很短的
stale dated[经] 过期
stewed dated[网络] 烩蜜枣
indefinitely dated stocks[经] 不定期债券


1. Supposing a painting was discovered that was dated, say, 1902 or 1903... (翻译:假设一幅画被发现 然后绘画的日期是1902或者1903)

2. White kids that want to be black is a little dated and cliche. (翻译:希望成为黑人的白人小孩 有点过时和俗套了吧?)

3. They conduct sound. You dated a plumber? Gus. (翻译:好吧 总之 既然我们能听到这么清楚的冲水声)

4. No, really, I dated a wrongful death claims adjuster. (翻译:不 真的 我约会过一个过失致死索赔评定人)

5. I haven't dated women in ages. (翻译:Not since my wife died.)

6. Has Leonard ever dated, you know, a regular girl? (翻译:Leonard以前有没有 跟正常的女孩子约会过?)

7. I can say I've dated every race, and now I've dated gay. (翻译:我可以说我已经约会 每场比赛, 现在我约会过同性恋。)

8. The last two dudes you dated scared me. (翻译:但你上两任真的吓到我了 The last two dudes you dated scared me.)

9. Knives, I dated you and then I dated Ramona, okay? (翻译:娜芙丝,我先和你交往 然后又和雷蒙娜交往,懂吗?)

10. This is regarding a police file dated 1993. (翻译:这事有关19? xx年警方立的档案・利斯贝斯萨兰德)

11. DATED TAYLOR SWIFT AND LADY GAGA ... (翻译:兜帽哥 曾经同一个晚上约会过泰勒斯威夫特和嘎嘎)

12. What about a Japanese sword dated 600 B.C.? (翻译:制于公元前xx年前的日本刀呢 那把剑锋利无比)

13. The history of our planet can be dated back to (翻译:各位同学 德雅星的历史 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}The history of our planet can be dated back to)

14. You dated the dead girl, and she dumped you last August? (翻译:你和这个死了的女孩约会过, 她去年xx月就把你甩了?)

15. The first dated September 20, the second October 1 and this one is the third, dated October 6. (翻译:- 第一份的日期是在xx月20号 第二分的日期是xx月1号 - 而第三份,日期是xx月6号)
