modus是什么意思 modus的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-07-28 11:20:30世世誓不离


1. 语法学中的Modus

modus是什么意思 modus的中文翻译、读音、例句


Example sentences:

- The subjunctive mood is used to express doubt or uncertainty. (用虚拟语气来表达怀疑或不确定)

- The imperative mood is used to give commands or make requests. (用命令语气来下达指令或提出要求)

2. 缩写词中的Modus

在一些缩写词中,Modus通常被用来表示某个行为或活动的类型或方式,例如modus operandi(作案手法)、modus vivendi(共存方式)等。在这个意义上,Modus通常被翻译为“方式”或“模式”。

Example sentences:

- The suspect's modus operandi was to break into homes during the day when no one was home. (嫌疑人的作案手法是在白天没人在家的时候闯入)

- The two countries have reached a modus vivendi on the disputed border. (这两个国家在争议边境问题上达成了共存方式)

3. 神经科学中的Modus


Example sentences:

- The neuron was in a hyperpolarized state and was unable to fire an action potential. (这个神经元处于过极化状态,无法产生行动电位)

- The modus of the neuron was to fire action potentials in response to certain stimuli. (这个神经元的状态是在某些下会产生行动电位)


1. Grammar:

- The indicative modus is used to make statements or ask questions. (陈述语气用于陈述事实或提出问题)

- If I were you, I would use the subjunctive modus in this sentence. (如果我是你,我会在这个句子中使用虚拟语气)

2. Abbreviations:

- The detective examined the crime scene and determined the suspect's modus operandi. (侦探调查了现场并确定了嫌疑人的作案手法)

- The two countries are trying to establish a new modus vivendi for economic cooperation. (这两个国家正在努力建立新的经济合作方式)

3. Neuroscience:

- The neuron's modus was to fire action potentials at a certain frequency. (这个神经元的状态是以一定频率产生行动电位)

- The modus of the neuron changed when it was exposed to a chemical inhibitor. (当这个神经元暴露在化学下时,它的状态发生了变化)

4. Music:

- The composer used the modus medius scale to create a medieval atmosphere in the music. (作曲家使用中调音阶来营造中世纪的氛围)

- The modus of the melody changed abruptly in the middle of the song. (这首歌曲的主旋律的状态在歌曲中部突然改变)

5. Biology:

- The modus of the bacteria changed when it was exposed to a new environment. (当这种细菌暴露在新的环境下时,它的状态发生了变化)

- The modus of the cells was to divide rapidly to form new tissue. (这些细胞的状态是快速以形成新的组织)



1. In this modus operandi, the thief typically breaks into homes during the day when the occupants are away.


2. The team was struggling to find an effective modus operandi that could help them achieve their goals.





例句:The core modus operandi of Wall Street almost brought down global capitalism. (其核心运作模式几乎 让全球资本市场濒临崩溃。)


例句:By the end of the month details have been hammered out and a modus vivendi has been established to create the foundations for future growth. (月底前,细节问题要仔细推敲,一种生活方式将建立起来,它会为未来的发展奠定基础。)


例句:We also have irrefutable evidence that the killer struck repeatedly in different locales but with the same basic modus operandi. (此外,我们也握有无可辩驳的证据,可以看出凶手基本上运用同样的手法在不同地点屡次犯案。)


例句:You know, I don't know what the modus operandi is for these modern-day chicks. (翻译:你知道,我不知道作案手法是什么 这些现代小鸡。)


modus一般作为名词使用,如在modus vivendi(权宜之计 )、modus habilis([法] 有效方式)、modus operandi(n. 做法, 惯技)等常见短语中出现较多。

modus vivendi权宜之计
modus habilis[法] 有效方式
modus operandin. 做法, 惯技
modus operandum[网络] 工作方式
modus operandus[网络] 工作方式
modus ponens取式;演绎推理
modus poneus假言推论
modus tollens拒取式
modus vivendis生活方式;临时协定;过渡办法


1. We also have irrefutable evidence that the killer struck repeatedly in different locales but with the same basic modus operandi. (翻译:此外,我们也握有无可辩驳的证据,可以看出凶手基本上运用同样的手法在不同地点屡次犯案。)

2. You know, I don't know what the modus operandi is for these modern-day chicks. (翻译:你知道,我不知道作案手法是什么 这些现代小鸡。)

3. Modus operandi of the committee and additional information. (翻译:委员会的运作模式和其他信息。)

4. I understand this. Avoidance was my modus operandi. (翻译:这我能理解。因为以前,逃避也是我惯用的伎俩。)

5. We certainly fund innovation, but that's neither our raison d'etre nor our modus operandi. (翻译:我们当然是给创新企业提供资金啦,可是这既不是我们的存在理由,也不是我们的经营方式。)

6. Transactions, the team could never get kickbacks , businessmen through decorate Team "pry out" with the modus operandi of consumer prices. (翻译:成交后,装潢队可以拿到回扣,商家则通过装潢队的“撬边”,用以次充好的手法欺骗消费者。)

7. The agreement is the first positive sign so far that the two countries may be able to find a modus vivendi. (翻译:中日协议是目前为止第一个积极的迹象,表明两国可能可以找到暂时的妥协。)

8. An example of her modus operandi was provided during a terse exchange with the defendant. (翻译:与被告的简短交流体现了她独特的办事方式。)

9. The cases are far apart, true, but the same modus operandi is repeated, a pattern in the selection of the victims. (翻译:这个案件离得很远 但是相同的模式被重复运用 在受害者的选择上也很相似)

10. Rather than saying, "He makes a habit of using arcane references", try "His modus operandi seems to be obscurum perobscurius" to give your volubility a bit of international flavor. (翻译:使用“他的做法较为模糊”而不是“他习惯引用晦涩难懂的词语”,从而使你的健谈变得国际化。)

11. This has long been a standard modus operandi for many PC viruses and Trojans. (翻译:而这是长久以来,个人电脑病毒和特洛伊木马所惯用的伎俩。)

12. Conclusion: Dry pipe pharmacotherapy is a modus operandi for acute and chronic disease of periapical. (翻译:结论:本方法是治疗急慢性根尖周病的有效方法。)

13. The Ikhwans knew militant sympathisers... and their modus operandi. (翻译:伊赫瓦掌握激进分子的支持者 了解他们的贯用手法)

14. Look at me. [Door closes] You seem to have changed your modus operandi, Colin, from ferrying denims and perfume to Moscow to vaporizing taxpayers. (翻译:朝我看 Look at me. 现在不往莫斯科运牛仔裤和香水了 from ferrying denims and perfume to Moscow)

15. This building gave us quite a few headaches, and so it could have well been an exception in our work, but instead it started to inform a modus operandi where every project becomes this opportunity to test the limits of a discipline we believe has to be urgently reimagined. (翻译:这个建筑曾让我们头疼不已, 所以它可能是我们的 一个与众不同的作品, 但是反过来,它开始 告诉我们一种运作方式, 每个工程都可以是一个 测试我们认为迫切需要重新 想象的学科极限的机会。)


