adrenal是什么意思 adrenal的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-07-28 17:08:30嘎嘣脆

adrenal是什么意思 adrenal的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 词根意义:'adrenal'一词是由拉丁语"ad" (near)和“renes”(kidney)组成。因此,可以理解为“靠近肾脏的”。

2. 词汇定义:'adrenal'通常指的是肾上腺的,在医学上用于描述与肾上腺有关的生理或病理学过程。

3. 词汇应用:'adrenal'是一种常用的医学术语,与许多医学专业相关。此外,'adrenal'也可以用于描述一种紧张的心理状态,类似于“紧张”、“兴奋”等情绪,这与肾上腺素的发挥作用有关。


1. The patient received an adrenal gland biopsy to determine if the tumor was cancerous or not. (患者接受肾上腺活检以确定肿瘤是否为癌)

2. When the body is under stress, the adrenal glands produce more cortisol. (当身体处于紧张状态时,肾上腺会产生更多的皮质醇)

3. She was experiencing a surge of as she prepared to jump off the high dive. (她在准备从高跳板跳下时,感受到了肾上腺素的激增)

4. The patient was diagnosed with adrenal insufficiency and prescribed a steroid medication. (该患者被诊断为肾上腺功能不足,开了类固醇药物)

5. The athlete was accused of using an adrenal supplement to boost their performance. (那名运动员被指控使用肾上腺补剂提高表现)




1. Adrenal glands are responsible for producing hormones that regulate the body's response to stress.(肾上腺负责产生调节身体对压力反应的激素。)

2. Adrenal fatigue is a condition in which the adrenal glands are unable to function properly due to long-term stress.(肾上腺疲劳是一种因长期压力导致肾上腺无常工作的状况。)

3. Adrenaline can increase heart rate and blood pressure in response to danger or excitement.(肾上腺素可以在面对危险或兴奋时增加心率和血压。)

4. Adrenal crisis is a life-threatening condition that can occur in people with Addison's disease.(肾上腺危机是一种可在艾迪生氏病患者中发生的危及生命的状况。)

5. Adrenal cortex produces hormones such as cortisol, which helps regulate metabolism and immune function.(肾上腺皮质产生荷尔蒙,如皮质醇,帮助调节代谢和免疫功能。)

6. Adrenal tumors can cause overproduction of hormones and lead to various medical conditions.(肾上腺肿瘤可引起激素过度分泌,并导致各种医学状况。)

7. Adrenal insufficiency is a condition in which the adrenal glands do not produce enough hormones.(肾上腺皮质功能不足是一种肾上腺无法产生足够激素的状况。)

8. Adrenaline rush can be addictive in some people and lead to risk-taking behaviors.(肾上腺素突发可以成瘾,导致冒险行为。)

9. Adrenal medulla is responsible for producing catecholamines such as and nor.(肾上腺髓质负责产生儿茶酚胺,如肾上腺素和去甲肾上腺素。)





1. Adrenaline is a hormone released by the adrenal glands in response to stress or danger.


2. Adrenal fatigue is a condition that occurs when the adrenal glands do not produce enough hormones to meet the body's needs.





例句:The adrenal glands produce cortisol, and release some constantly. (最终肾上腺产生皮质醇, 并不断进行释放。)


例句:Using a bipolar coagulator or Harmonic scalpel as a substitute for endoclips to control adrenal vessels under laparoscopic vision is effective and safe. (使用双极电烧或超音波刀替换血管夹来控制肾上腺血管亦是有效且安全的。)


例句:Tumours often develop in one of the adrenal glands but may also form in nerve tissues in the neck, chest, abdomen, or pelvis. (肿瘤时常在肾上腺腺体生长,但是也可能在颈,胸,腹,骨盆的神经组织生长。)


例句:Objective to establish the ideal model of stimulus-secretion coupling by isolated adrenal chromaffin cells of the toad. (翻译:目的用离体蟾蜍肾上腺髓质嗜铬细胞建立分泌偶联的模型。)


adrenal一般作为名词、形容词使用,如在ectopic adrenal(异位肾上腺)、tuberculosis of adrenal(艾迪生病)、feminizing adrenal tumor(女性化肾上腺瘤)等常见短语中出现较多。

ectopic adrenal异位肾上腺
tuberculosis of adrenal艾迪生病
feminizing adrenal tumor女性化肾上腺瘤
left adrenal body左副肾
lipoid adrenal hyperplasia类脂性肾上腺增生
mixed adrenal disease[医] 混合性肾上腺病
nonfunctioning adrenal tumor无功能肾上腺瘤
postburn adrenal hemorrhage烧伤后肾上腺出血
primary adrenal insufficiency原发性肾上腺机能不全
right adrenal body右副肾


1. Tumours often develop in one of the adrenal glands but may also form in nerve tissues in the neck, chest, abdomen, or pelvis. (翻译:肿瘤时常在肾上腺腺体生长,但是也可能在颈,胸,腹,骨盆的神经组织生长。)

2. Objective to establish the ideal model of stimulus-secretion coupling by isolated adrenal chromaffin cells of the toad. (翻译:目的用离体蟾蜍肾上腺髓质嗜铬细胞建立分泌偶联的模型。)

3. Relationship between ACTH expression in adrenal cortical tissue and plasma ACTH level in patients with adrenal cortical hyperplasia (翻译:肾上腺皮质增生症患者肾上腺皮质组织ACTH的表达与血浆ACTH的关系)

4. Objective To study the clinical features, the treatment and diagnosis of adrenal myelolipoma. (翻译:目的总结肾上腺髓质脂肪瘤的临床特征、诊断和治疗方法。)

5. Expression of retinoid acid receptors in embryonal adrenal gland and its relationships to neuroblastoma (翻译:胚胎肾上腺分化过程视黄酸受体表达及神经母细胞瘤发生的关系探讨)

6. Females, like males, have in our bodies something called the adrenal glands. (翻译:体内有一个器官叫做肾上腺 它在我们身体的后端 )

7. In women, androgens are produced by the ovaries and the adrenal glands. (翻译:女性雄激素由巢和肾上腺产生。)

8. Ultrastructural studies on characteristics of exocytosis of chromaffin cells in adrenal medulla of restrained rats (翻译:应急大鼠肾上腺髓质嗜铬细胞胞吐特性的超微结构研究)

9. - Dr. Clemmens removed all of the tumors from Lucia's adrenal gland, but the cancer has spread through her lymph nodes. (翻译:-克莱门斯医生清除了 露西娅肾上腺的所有肿瘤 但是癌细胞通过她的淋巴结扩散了)

10. Endocrine: it carries secretions of certain glands... like the thyroid, adrenal, and pituitary... which regulate growth. (翻译:它分泌某种东西物,从特定的腺 ... 甲状腺,肾上腺,调节生长的脑垂体)

11. What he had was an extreme form of a condition called congenital adrenal hyperplasia. (翻译:他所有的是一种很极端的病症 叫做类固醇21-羟化酶缺乏症 )

12. Have kidney, liver or adrenal gland problems? (翻译:肾脏,肝脏或肾上腺问题。)

13. May an Altered Hypothalamo–Pituitary–Adrenal Axis Contribute to Cortical Bone Damage in Primary Hyperparathyroidism? (翻译:改变的丘脑—垂体—肾上腺轴可促成原发性甲状旁腺功能亢进症的皮质骨损伤? )

14. A study of the thin cross-sectional anatomy and CT of the adrenal gland and its rela-tionship with the adjacent tissues (翻译:肾上腺形态及其毗邻关系的薄层断层与CT断层解剖学研究)

15. Histochemical study on the adrenal cortex of morphine depen-dent male rats (翻译:依赖新生大鼠肾上腺皮质组织化学的变化)
