alveolar是什么意思 alveolar的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-07-28 19:50:30尐猪婆﹃_﹃

Aspect 1:定义和词性

alveolar是什么意思 alveolar的中文翻译、读音、例句


Aspect 2:与其他音位的对比


Aspect 3:应用领域



1. The 'd' sound in 'dad' is an alveolar sound.

“dad” 中的 "d" 音是一个齿龈音。

2. The English language has several alveolar consonants such as 't', 'd', and 'n'.


3. The alveolar ridge is the bony ridge located directly behind the upper teeth.


4. When singing, alveolar consonants require a lighter touch than the dental consonants.


5. The word "team" contains an alveolar nasal sound.

单词 "team" 包含一个齿龈鼻音。




1. The alveolar ridge is the bony ridge behind the upper teeth. (齿槽嵴是上牙齿后面的骨脊。)

2. In English, the 'd' sound is an alveolar consonant. (在英语中,/d/音是一个齿槽辅音。)

3. The sounds of 't' and 'd' are both alveolar stops. (/t/和/d/音都是齿槽塞音。)

4. The Spanish 'n' sound is an alveolar nasal. (西班牙语/n/音是一个齿槽鼻音。)

5. Mandarin Chinese has an alveolar retroflex series of consonants. (汉语有一个齿龈后音系的辅音。)

6. In French, the 'r' sound can be ounced as an alveolar trill. (在法语中,/r/音可以发成齿槽颤音。)

7. The alveolar fricatives in German are ounced with the tongue slightly touching the alveolar ridge. (德语的齿槽摩擦音是舌头轻轻触碰齿槽嵴发音的。)

8. Arabic has several alveolar sounds that do not exist in English. (伯语有几个英语没有的齿槽音。)

9. The alveolar sounds in Japanese can be difficult for English speakers to master. (日语中的齿槽音对于英语母语者来说可能很难掌握。)




1. The alveolar ridge is a bony ridge located on the roof of the mouth behind the upper teeth.(齿槽嵴是位于上颚牙齿后方口腔顶部的一条骨质隆起。)

2. The /t/ and /d/ sounds are made by placing the tongue behind the upper teeth on the alveolar ridge.(/t/和/d/发音是通过将舌头放在上颚牙齿后方的齿槽嵴上发出的。)

alveolar在中文中有"蜂窝的 、牙槽的"的意思,在英美地区还有"解齿槽的"的意思,读音为[l'vil],alveolar在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《英汉百科词典》中,共找到90个与alveolar相关的例句。



例句:The alveolar ducts surrounded by many smaller and collapsed pulmonary alveolus. (许多肺泡常呈现萎陷的小囊,分布在肺泡管周围; )


例句:Research on alveolar wash with postural drainage preventing bronch-distension reinfection and hemoptysis (肺泡灌洗加引流预防支气管扩张再感染与咯血的研究)


例句:Sonographic features of 22 cases with liver alveolar hydatidosis were reported. (本文报告22例肝泡状棘球蚴病的声像图表现。)


例句:Eruption of transplants occurred at the time of periodontal and alveolar healing, and before any significant root growth. (翻译:爆发发生在移植时牙周和牙槽骨愈合前,任何重大的根系生长。)


alveolar一般作为名词、形容词使用,如在line alveolar([医] 牙槽线)、mammary alveolar(乳腺泡)、proper alveolar(固有牙槽骨)等常见短语中出现较多。

line alveolar[医] 牙槽线
mammary alveolar乳腺泡
proper alveolar固有牙槽骨
expiratory alveolar air[医] 呼时肺泡气
granular alveolar cellⅡ型肺泡细胞
great alveolar cellⅡ型肺泡细胞
indigenous alveolar bone固有牙槽骨
inferior alveolar arteries【解剖学】下齿槽动脉
inferior alveolar artery下齿槽动脉,下牙槽动脉,下颌牙槽动脉


1. Sonographic features of 22 cases with liver alveolar hydatidosis were reported. (翻译:本文报告22例肝泡状棘球蚴病的声像图表现。)

2. Eruption of transplants occurred at the time of periodontal and alveolar healing, and before any significant root growth. (翻译:爆发发生在移植时牙周和牙槽骨愈合前,任何重大的根系生长。)

3. Objective: To probe into nursing measures for congenital alveolar process cleft patients undergoing ilium grafting. (翻译:探讨先天性牙槽突裂髂骨植骨术病人的护理措施。)

4. Alveolar bone resorption is the major reason of dysmasesia and dyspepsia. (翻译:牙槽骨吸收是导致临床咀嚼困难和失牙的主要原因。)

5. Or place tongue on alveolar ridge, the area behind your top teeth. (翻译:或者把舌头放在上颚,上排门牙的后面。)

6. Modulatory action of endogenous and exogenous nitric oxide on survival of alveolar macrophages from normal and bleomycin-treated rats (翻译:内源性和外源性一氧化氮对正常和滴注博莱霉素大鼠肺泡巨噬细胞生存的调节)

7. Objective Study the effects of Gu Chi paste on PGE2 in gingiva and alveolar bone and its mechanism to treating periodontitis. (翻译:目的研究固齿合对牙龈和牙槽骨中pge2的抑制作用,探讨固齿膏治疗牙周炎的机理。)

8. Objective: To provide anatomical data for block anesthesia of anterior palatine nerver and superior posterior alveolar nerve. (翻译:目的:为腭前神经及上牙槽后神经等阻滞提供解剖学资料。)

9. Conclusions GTR is an effective approach to reconstruct bony cleft, and is likely to be used in repair of alveolar cleft and cleft palate. (翻译:结论引导组织再生术是修复骨性裂隙的有效方法,有可能用于齿槽裂、腭裂的骨性修复。)

10. Influence of Nitrous Oxide on Minimum Alveolar Concentration of Sevoflurane for Laryngeal Mask Insertion in Children Kihara S , et al. (翻译:笑气对儿童喉罩插入时七氟醚最小肺泡浓度的影响。)

11. Objective: to investigate the correlation of multiple primary lung cancer with bronchial epithelial dysplasia and atypical adenomatous hyperplasia of bronchiolo-alveolar epithelium. (翻译:目的:探讨多原发性肺癌与支气管上皮异型增生及肺泡上皮不典型腺瘤性增生之间的关系。)

12. The utility model is applicable to the administration for bronchiole and pulmonary alveolar. (翻译:本实用新型可用于毛细支气管及肺泡的给药。)

13. The alveolar macrophage is derived largely from the bone marrow. (翻译:肺泡巨噬细胞主要是从骨髓中分化出来的。)

14. Objective: To probe a way for treating liver alveolar hydatidosis. (翻译:目的:探索一种治疗肝泡型包虫病的新途径。)

15. Objective: on the base of animal experiments through the applying of MGTR in clinic to observe the defective and partially atrophy alveolar crest regeneration for dental implants application. (翻译:前言:目的:在动物实验的基础上,研究临床应用膜诱导组织再生技术治疗牙种植体周围炎,以观察治疗的临床效果。)
