大火星用英语怎么说 大火星的英语翻译

生活学习2023-07-29 09:06:30━☆丶宠坏丨

大火星英语为"great fire",还可以翻译为full fire,在《现代英语词典》中,共找到88个与大火星相关短语释义和例句。

1. it all got bned accidentally.

2. Martians is fm Mars, Jack.

大火星用英语怎么说 大火星的英语翻译

3. That's one hell of a flare.

4. The fire, although it had been bning for sral days, was still blazing fiercely.

5. ifell into a bnin' ng of fire

6. And there's a oil field fire in Kuwait

7. Mars had vers, Mars had lakes, but important Mars had planetary-scale oceans.

译文:火星曾有河流,火星曾有湖泊, 更重要是火星曾有星球大小海洋。

8. Was then set on symbolical fire

9. "Fire in the coal mines got out of contl"

10. Flames coming out of the of.
