快乐名言用英语怎么说 快乐名言英语翻译

生活学习2023-07-29 11:24:30默笙


1. i think it was Voltaire who said,

快乐名言用英语怎么说 快乐名言英语翻译

2. You know what my dad used to say,

3. That's my catchphrase, you know. "Make that work."

4. -Yeah, well you know what Napoleon said:

5. Darwin uttered his famous statement,

6. Oh, ght, the quote of the day.

7. Everybody's heard the saying

8. There's a saying in my family:

9. You're just in time for Voltaire's grea hits.

10. That's quite blliant, sir. Ah, thank you, thank you, thank you.

11. it is a message to italians:

12. There was no guarantee Sam would share the Nietzsche quote.

13. Margot says using Garden of Glow is the first stop on the ad to happy.
