summery是什么意思 summery的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-07-29 19:56:29暮光倾城

summery是什么意思 summery的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 拼写和发音

- Summery是一个形容词,发音为/'smri/。

- Summ是一个缩写词,发音为/'smi/

2. 词性和词义

- Summery是一个形容词,用于形容夏季、炎热、轻巧、简洁等。

- Summ是一个缩写词,通常表示总结、概况、总结报告等。

3. 用法和搭配

- Summery用法比较灵活,可以和很多词汇和短语搭配使用,比如summery weather(夏季天气)、summery dress(夏季裙子)、summery style(夏季风格)等。

- Summ通常搭配其他词汇使用,比如summative essment(总结性评估)、summary report(总结报告)等。

4. 常见误用

- 有些人会将summery误写成summer,这是常见的拼写错误。

- 有些人会将summ误写成sum,这是常见的缩写错误。


1. This dress is perfect for summery days. (这件裙子非常适合夏天穿)

2. I always enjoy the summery weather in this city. (我总是喜欢这个城市的夏季气候)

3. She looked stunning in her summery outfit. (她穿着夏季装非常漂亮)

4. The restaurant has a lovely summery decor. (这家餐厅有一个可爱的夏季风格装饰)

5. The teacher asked the students to write a summary of the book. (老师要求学生书写这本书的总结)



1. It was a hot and summery day, perfect for a picnic by the lake. (天气炎热,非常适合在湖边野餐。)

2. She wore a light summery dress to the party. (她穿着一件轻薄的夏季裙子去参加聚会。)

3. The summery landscape was dotted with colorful flowers. (夏季的景色中点缀着色彩缤纷的花朵。)




例句:In the rocky island, the summery sun generates a wave of heat. (在岩石岛 夏日的太阳持续照射 产生出一股股的热浪)


例句:Write a summery of the British Isles and e-mail it to your friends and your English teachers. (写一篇关于英国的概况,并通过电子邮件发送给你的朋友们和英语教师们。)


例句:He is a fox of the place, with summery camouflage. (他是一只生活在本地的小狐狸 穿着夏日的伪装)


例句:Tight dark jeans don't usually jibe with the seaside, but her top's bright print and floaty cut make this outfit just summery enough. (翻译:深色牛仔裤紧通常不海边穿的,但她配上大项链和大图案的上衣一切都那么和谐。)


1. He is a fox of the place, with summery camouflage. (翻译:他是一只生活在本地的小狐狸 穿着夏日的伪装)

2. Tight dark jeans don't usually jibe with the seaside, but her top's bright print and floaty cut make this outfit just summery enough. (翻译:深色牛仔裤紧通常不海边穿的,但她配上大项链和大图案的上衣一切都那么和谐。)

3. Summery: democracy of a society is the basic condition for human's society to develop to a high stage. (翻译:社会是人类社会向高级阶段发展的基本条件。)

4. - The sun on the meadow is summery warm - the stag in the forest runs free... (翻译:- 草地上的阳光如夏天般温暖 - 雄鹿在森林里自由奔跑)

5. This is a summery of the synthesis, structure and reaction of borazine. (翻译:对环硼氮烷的合成、结构和反应进行了综述。)

6. Epilogue give a overall summery of this thesis and points the hardship of administrative supervise reform and improvement. (翻译:结语部分对本文进行了总结性的概括,指出了行政监察体制改革和完善的艰难性。)

7. Offer your services proactively: Write up a proposal, make a summery, even plan the office party, or whatever else might be helpful. (翻译:从精神心理上做好你的工作:写一条建议,小结,甚至是计划举办一次办公室聚会,或者做一些其他有助于达到目的的琐事。)

8. In the last decades, the summery ice of Artico he/she has decreased in 20%. (翻译:近xx年中 北极圈夏季的海面浮冰减少了20%)
