tif是什么意思 tif的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-07-30 07:40:29*°浅殇ˉ沫

1. 词义: 'tif' 并不是一个常见的单词,它没有固定的词义。

2. 词性: 'tif' 不是一个词汇,因此没有明确的词性。

tif是什么意思 tif的中文翻译、读音、例句

3. 词组搭配: 'tif' 通常不与其他单词搭配使用。

4. 短语: 没有与 'tif' 相关的短语。

5. 发音拼写: 'tif' 的发音为 /tf/,拼写为 t-i-f。



2. The word 'tif' doesn't seem to have any meaning in English. (在英语中,“tif”这个单词似乎没有任何意义。)

3. She tried to spell 'tif' for the teacher, but the teacher had never heard of it. (她试图为老师拼写“tif”,但老师从未听说过它。)

4. The computer didn't recognize the word 'tif' and kept giving an error message. (电脑不识别“tif”这个单词,一直出现错误信息。)

5. 'Tif' doesn't appear to be a word in any language that I know. (在我所知道的任何语言中,“tif”似乎都不是一个单词。)

'tif'是英国的词语,意为“压缩文件格式”。它是一种常用的图像文件格式,可以将高分辨率的图像压缩成较小的文件,方便存储和传输。使用'tif'格式的文件可以在多种软件中打开和编辑,如Adobe Photoshop和Microsoft Word等。以下是9个含有'tif'的例句:

1. I saved the image as a 'tif' file to preserve its high quality. (我将图像保存为'tif'文件,以保留其高质量。)

2. The 'tif' format is commonly used in printing industry. ('tif'格式在印刷行业中广泛使用。)

3. You can convert a 'tif' file to other formats using online tools. (您可以使用在线工具将'tif'文件转换为其他格式。)

4. The photographer provided us with both 'tif' and JPEG versions of the pictures. (摄影师为我们提供了图片的'tif'和JPEG版本。)

5. 'Tif' files take up more storage space than other image formats. ('tif'文件占用的存储空间比其他图像格式更大。)

6. The 'tif' format preserves all the image data without losing any details. ('tif'格式保存所有图像数据而不失去任何细节。)

7. We need to use 'tif' files for printing the brochure. (我们需要使用'tif'文件来印刷宣传册。)

8. The 'tif' format is ideal for archiving high-quality images. ('tif'格式非常适合存档高质量的图像。)

9. You can set the compression level when saving a 'tif' file to control the file size. (您可以在保存'tif'文件时设置压缩级别来控制文件大小。)

tif 是一个文件格式的扩展名,表示 Tagged Image File Format,即标记图像文件格式。



1. This image needs to be saved as a tif file for print publication.


2. The photographer provided us with both jpg and tif versions of the photos.


3. Tif files are commonly used for storing high-quality images with a large amount of detail.





例句:Ink Jet and xiezhen the best storage of images for TIF formats, but note that is not available compression format. (喷绘和写假的图像最坏储蓄为TIF方式,但是夺纲不成用不抬缩的方式。)


例句:We can also enlarge the file afterwards and turn into a TIF for CMYK printing. (我们还可以扩大文件后,并转化为CMYK印刷TIF。)


例句:The two business-promotion organisations set loose such acronymic beasts as HBI, CREED, TIF and CDBG . (这两家商务推广组织放松了对诸如信条,地区开发固定拨款的要求等重要的条件。)


例句:Avoid compressed formats, such as the 24-bit BMP and the tif formats. (翻译:避免使用压缩格式,例如24位的bmp和tif格式。)


tif一般作为名词使用,如在us tif([网络] 蒂芙尼公司;商帝芬妮;蒂芬妮)等常见短语中出现较多。

us tif[网络] 蒂芙尼公司;商帝芬妮;蒂芬妮


1. The two business-promotion organisations set loose such acronymic beasts as HBI, CREED, TIF and CDBG . (翻译:这两家商务推广组织放松了对诸如信条,地区开发固定拨款的要求等重要的条件。)

2. Avoid compressed formats, such as the 24-bit BMP and the tif formats. (翻译:避免使用压缩格式,例如24位的bmp和tif格式。)

3. Avoid compressed formats, such as the 24-bit bmp and the tif formats. (翻译:避免使用压缩格式,例如24位的bmp和tif格式。)

4. Convert your video sequence to individual TIF files. (翻译:把你的视频序列转换为TIF文件。)

5. The two business-promotion organisations set loose such acronymic beasts as HBI, CREED, TIF and CDBG . (翻译:这两家商务推广组织放松了对诸如信条,地区开发固定拨款的要求等重要的条件。)

6. A fax mail envelope opens with your TIF file attached . (翻译:传真邮件信封就会打开,其中附加有TIF文件。)

7. The two business-promotion organisations set loose such acronymic beasts as HBI, CREED, TIF and CDBG. (翻译:两个商业促进组织给出的条件宽松, 如同其糟糕的词汇缩写,如HBI,CREED, TIF,和 CDBG。)

8. Double-click the graphics image for the filter that you want to test, such as Ms. Tif. (翻译:双击想要测试的过滤器的图形图像,如Ms.tif。)


