aquaman是什么意思 aquaman的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-07-30 11:06:28咔嚓咔嚓

aquaman是什么意思 aquaman的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 定义


2. 词源


3. 用法


4. 相关成语

与Aquaman相关的常见成语有“in over your head”,它描述了某人陷入了超出他们能力范围的情况。通常与Aquaman有关,因为大多数人没有与水相关的能力和知识,因此可能会在水中感到不自在。

5. 中英例句

例句1:Jason Momoa plays the role of Aquaman in the upcoming movie.


例句2:Aquaman has the ability to communicate with sea creatures.


例句3:AQ is a popular abbreviation for Aquaman among gamers.


例句4:Scientists are researching the effects of ocean pollution on Aquaman's natural habitat.


例句5:When it comes to swimming, I'm in over my head compared to Aquaman.




读音:英 [kwmn],美 [kwmn]


1. Aquaman is a superhero in the DC Comics universe. (水行侠是DC漫画宇宙中的超级英雄。)

2. The Aquaman movie was a big hit at the box office. (《海王》电影在票房上大获成功。)




例句:Excuse me, I believe Aquaman uses his telepathic powers to request the fish do their business elsewhere. (拜托 潜水侠是用心灵感应的超能力 来要求鱼类在别处大吧)


例句:Excuse me, I believe aquaman uses his telepathic powers to request the fish do their business elsewhere. Hey, babe. (打扰一下,我认为潜水侠会用他的心灵感应能力,让鱼儿在别的地方大。嗨,宝贝。)


例句:We're meeting with Warner's to discuss "Aquaman." (-你有多少钱? 我们要和华纳公司的人 讨论一下《水行侠》)


例句:Catch Thawne, find out what he changed, and change it back before Aquaman and Wonder Woman kill everyone on the planet. (翻译:抓住陶恩 搞清楚他改变了什么 再改回来 ...赶在水行侠和神奇毁灭整个人类之前)


1. We're meeting with Warner's to discuss "Aquaman." (翻译:-你有多少钱? 我们要和华纳公司的人 讨论一下《水行侠》)

2. Catch Thawne, find out what he changed, and change it back before Aquaman and Wonder Woman kill everyone on the planet. (翻译:抓住陶恩 搞清楚他改变了什么 再改回来 ...赶在水行侠和神奇毁灭整个人类之前)

3. A world where Aquaman would die before harming innocent people. (翻译:那个世界里的水行侠宁死也不会伤害无辜的人)

4. Once we have Aquaman and Wonder Woman, this war is over. (翻译:只要我们抓到水行侠和神奇 战争就结束了)

5. Is this "Aquaman"-related or am I not going to the Mansion? (翻译:这和《水行侠》有关吗?)

6. Some kind of failed kamikaze attack on Aquaman's weapon. (翻译:有架什么飞机袭击水行侠的武器但失败了)

7. A vengeful Ocean Master returns and the war for Atlantis triggers a battle between Aquaman and Justice League. (翻译:报复性的海洋总回报和亚特兰蒂斯的战争触发Aquaman和正义联盟之间的战斗。)

8. Well, if I get lucky, I don't wanna be caught in my Aquaman briefs. (翻译:要是走运的话 我可不想被她 看到我穿着水行侠的)

9. Excuse me, I believe aquaman uses his telepathic powers to request the fish do their business elsewhere. Hey, babe. (翻译:打扰一下,我认为潜水侠会用他的心灵感应能力,让鱼儿在别的地方大。嗨,宝贝。)

10. No, Ari is taking care of the Mansion, we're not talking about "Aquaman" anymore. (翻译:不 Ari会搞定豪宅那边的 我们不会再讨论《水行侠》了)

11. I got everything Sam was into, from Aquaman to Zeppelin. (翻译:我知道Sam的一切嗜好 I got everything Sam was into, 从潜水侠到齐柏林飞艇 from Aquaman to Zeppelin.)

12. Someone to put together a team to shut down Aquaman and Wonder Woman? (翻译:不是有人组了一个队 想打水行侠和神奇吗)

13. But he had no powers. And Aquaman... (翻译:但他没有超人的力量 而且总跟水打交道...)
