filial是什么意思 filial的中文翻译、读音、例句

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filial是什么意思 filial的中文翻译、读音、例句


词组搭配:filial duty(孝顺的责任)、filial piety(孝道)。

相关短语:filial son(孝子)、filial daughter(孝女)。




1. It is important to be filial and show respect to our parents. (重要的是要孝顺并尊重我们的父母。)

2. Confucius taught the importance of being filial towards our elders. (孔子教导了要孝顺长辈的重要性。)

3. She was praised for her filial piety and devotion to her parents. (她因孝顺并对父母的奉献而受到赞扬。)

4. The filial obedience of the son impressed the whole family. (儿子的孝顺顺从给整个家庭留下了深刻的印象。)

5. The traditional virtue of filial piety is deeply ingrained in Chinese culture. (孝道这一传统美德深深地植根于中国文化。)

6. The elderly couple were very touched by their daughter's filial devotion. (这对老年夫妇被女儿的孝心所感动。)

7. His filial duty included taking care of his elderly parents and sure they were comfortable. (他的孝道包括照顾年迈的父母,确保他们过得舒适。)

8. The filial respect shown by the young man towards his grandparents was admirable. (年轻人向祖父母表达的孝敬值得赞扬。)

9. In traditional Korean culture, filial piety is considered one of the most important virtues. (在传统的韩国文化中,孝道被认为是最重要的美德之一。)





1. She has a filial sense of duty towards her elderly parents.


2. The father-son relationship should be based on mutual respect and filial piety.





例句:Father's death, he divided into two possessions, to the two brothers, his mother was given the support, the mother of a very filial piety. (父亲死后,他把家产分作两份,给了两个弟弟,自己独取母亲供养,对母极孝。)


例句:- Father, forgive me... for not being a filial son. (不要啊! 孩儿不孝... 孩儿不孝...)


例句:Their initial encounter and their living arrangements do not allow us to establish a filial bond. (他们最初的相遇以及生活上的协议 无法让我们确信 存在父子上的关联)


例句:Sue Shen Qiyi, Jou-chia dimension, courtesy, early support is, flower, children have to shift for loyalty, filial piety. (翻译:淑慎其仪,柔嘉维则相夫以礼,早膺殊渥之花,教子有成,俾移孝以作忠。)


filial一般作为形容词使用,如在filial duties(子职)、filial duty(孝)、filial generation([医] 子代(杂交))等常见短语中出现较多。

filial duties子职
filial duty
filial generation[医] 子代(杂交)
filial life[网络] 孝顺生活
filial lives[网络] 孝顺的生活
filial lordosis亲子女嵴柱前突
filial love子女对长辈的爱
filial obedience
filial organism子代有机体


1. Their initial encounter and their living arrangements do not allow us to establish a filial bond. (翻译:他们最初的相遇以及生活上的协议 无法让我们确信 存在父子上的关联)

2. Sue Shen Qiyi, Jou-chia dimension, courtesy, early support is, flower, children have to shift for loyalty, filial piety. (翻译:淑慎其仪,柔嘉维则相夫以礼,早膺殊渥之花,教子有成,俾移孝以作忠。)

3. "The sapient imperial concubine nods to say: " You this some kind of filial pieties pour is OK. (翻译:贤妃点头说道:“你这一番孝心倒是好的。”)

4. The reasons of Biography filial prosperous are the enhancing of the concept of filial piety and the rise of aristocratic families, etc. (翻译:孝子传繁荣有社会孝观念的加强,世家大族兴起等诸多方面的理由。)

5. Her son invited her to cook for him as she said "he is very filial, he asked me to enjoy a happy life " . (翻译:现在儿子要请她过去做饭,但是她的原话是“他很孝顺,要我去享清福”。)

6. His father would accuse him of neglecting his filial duties. (翻译:他父亲会指控他没有尽孝。)

7. The law cannot legislate filial responsibility any more than it can legislate love. (翻译:法律不能给爱情制定法律,更不能为子女的义务而立法。)

8. A filial oculist was cerebrating pedagogy to manual a dentist's corporal defects. (翻译:一个孝顺的眼科医生正在思考教育学以便用来处理牙医的身体上的缺陷。)

9. The parent of nearly 40% discovers unemployed filial conduct behavior is barpque. (翻译:近40%的家长发现失业的子女行为举止怪异。)

10. But you have to be filial to your parents first, then you will meet him. (翻译:真的? 像吴彦祖还是金城武? 你没病吧,钢牙妹?)

11. In order to popularize the filial concept, Emperor Xiaowen took measures in five aspects. (翻译:为普及孝悌观念,孝文帝采取了五大方面的措施。)

12. An filial son went to a restaurant with father, mother, father-in-law, mother-in-law, wife and child to enjoin a happy weekend meal. (翻译:一位孝顺的儿子带着父母、岳父母和妻儿,全家去餐馆享用周末大餐。)

13. We'll respect Catherine's filial scruples. (翻译:凯瑟琳由于出于孝心而有所顾虑,这我们应当尊重。)

14. And I even began to feel that this book may be perceived by my father as an act of filial devotion. (翻译:我甚至开始觉得我父亲 会将这本书理解为 是一种孝心的展现。)

15. But my refusal to go to England wasn't due to filial piety. (翻译:我不想去英国的原因 并不是因为我特别孝顺)


