fingers crossed是什么意思 fingers crossed的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-07-30 19:00:28阿橘

fingers crossed是什么意思 fingers crossed的中文翻译、读音、例句

词义:'fingers crossed' 是一种祈求好运的表达方式,类似于“神啊保佑”、“拜托了上帝”等。动作是将手指交叉,以示祈愿。


词组搭配:keep one's fingers crossed(保持乐观、祈祷好运)

短语:fingers crossed

发音拼写:['fz krst]


1. I have an important job interview tomorrow, so fingers crossed I get the job!


2. Fingers crossed that it won't rain on our wedding day.


3. I'm hoping to win the lottery this week – fingers crossed!


4. Fingers crossed that the surgery goes smoothly.


5. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a good exam result.


6. We are all crossing our fingers for a successful outcome.


7. My daughter is taking her driving test today – fingers crossed she pes!



读音:fingers crossed [frz krst]


1. I hope the weather will be good for our trip this weekend, fingers crossed!


2. Sarah has a job interview tomorrow, so we're all keeping our fingers crossed for her.


3. I'm really hoping I'll get accepted into that program, fingers crossed!


fingers crossed通常被翻译为"希望有好运、意思是保佑"的意思,在日常中也代表"手指交叉"的意思,在线读音是[fingerscrossed],fingers crossed是一个英语名词,在《汉语英语翻译词典》中,共找到51个与fingers crossed相关的例句。

Fingers crossed的词典翻译


例句:Do you still recall the fateful night we crossed the Rio Grande? (Do you still recall the fateful night we crossed the Rio Grande?)


例句:Come on, everybody and snap your fingers now (快 大家现在弹弹指 Come on, everybody and snap your fingers now)


例句: till your singing eyes and fingers (# till your singing eyes and fingers #)、手指交叉

例句:Terry had his fingers crossed when he told his dad the iie. (翻译:特里跟爸撒谎时,交叉手指乞求上帝宽怒他。)


fingers crossed一般作为名词使用,如在with fingers crossed(暗中祈求成功)、keep fingers crossed(交叉手指; 乞求某事成功)、crossed(交叉的 划掉的 十字形的,交叉 越过 的过去式和过去分词)等常见短语中出现较多。

with fingers crossed暗中祈求成功
keep fingers crossed交叉手指; 乞求某事成功
crossed交叉的 划掉的 十字形的,交叉 越过 的过去式和过去分词
fingersn. 梳状剔除器;手指头, 指头(finger复数)
double crossed[网络] 通天拍档;你欺我诈
Nicol crossed正交尼科耳棱镜
star crossedadj. 命运不佳的\n[网络] 家族球仇;时运不济
ear fingers小拇指
fat fingersn. 胖手指(一般指打字输入错误)


1. till your singing eyes and fingers (翻译:# till your singing eyes and fingers #)

2. Terry had his fingers crossed when he told his dad the iie. (翻译:特里跟爸撒谎时,交叉手指乞求上帝宽怒他。)

3. Matter of fact, Vance crossed him about a year ago. (翻译:vance crossed him about a year ago.)

4. We crossed paths in Dallas. (翻译:我们在达拉斯遇上的 We crossed paths in Dallas.)

5. Well, keep your fingers crossed for me, Mr. Keane. (翻译:交叉手指祝我好运吧 基恩先生 Well, keep your fingers crossed for me, Mr. Keane.)

6. Since I first crossed paths with brian... (翻译:Brian以来... since I first crossed paths with Brian...)

7. No, but I could point a few fingers if it would make you feel comfortable. (翻译:but I could point a few fingers if it would make you feel comfortable.)

8. How are the nerves in your fingers? (翻译:How are the nerves in your fingers? You know.)

9. - You have crossed the line! (翻译:-你越界了 {\3cH202020} - How dare you! - You have crossed the line!)

10. Hands behind your head, fingers interlocked. (翻译:fingers interlocked.)

11. These fingers work just fine. (翻译:不是我手指技术不行 These fingers work just fine.)

12. With their crossed fingers and belief in you, "No destination," they say, "No maps, no idea where we're headed." (翻译:带着希望,带着对你的信任, “我们找不到目标,”她们说, “没有地图,不知道该往哪儿走。” )

13. Oh, I do have my fingers crossed for a scenario involving you, nurse Noakes and a broom handle. (翻译:好吧,我真的祈祷出现一个场景: 里面有你 诺克斯护理和笤帚疙瘩)

14. Suddenly something crossed your path (翻译:突然什么东西经过马路 Suddenly something crossed your path)

15. The hikers crossed this field. (翻译:登山客们穿过那片平地 The hikers crossed this field.)
