水茴香用英语怎么说 水茴香的英语翻译

生活学习2023-07-31 14:06:27涼城″浅离


aqua anisi Anise water ( 洋茴香水 )

1. Effect of Anisaldehyde, Anethole and Cinnamaldehyde on the in vit Percutaneous Absorption of 5-Fluoacil

水茴香用英语怎么说 水茴香的英语翻译


2. - Okay, good. - With a brussels sput fennel salad.

3. And to anyone who does not have a glass of sambuca... Look nd now.

4. Baby quail stuffed with fennel ssage.

5. - 12 packs of zla. cinnamon.

6. Anethole. You can make 200 bottles of pastis with this.

7. - There's some tsipou. - i don't want any.

8. Preparation of Anisaldehyde fm Anethole by Ozonolysis Reaction

9. The boxes have labels which say "Mint", "Aniseed"

10. Good for her. So, Pastis for lunch?

11. Foeniculum Vulgare (Fennel) Fruit Extract

12. The major compound is Trans- Anethole (93. 5%). Andcis- Anethole is 0. 13%.
