paddle是什么意思 paddle的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-07-31 18:04:27视而不见

1. Definitional Aspect

paddle是什么意思 paddle的中文翻译、读音、例句

Paddle can refer to:

- A tool with a wide, flat blade, used for stirring, mixing, or turning food while it is being cooked.

- A short, broad-bladed oar, used for propelling a small boat or canoe through the water.

- A device for beating clothes and linens in washing or rinsing.

- A game played with a racket and a ball, similar to tennis, but with no net and played against a wall.

2. Collocation Aspect

Paddle can be used in a variety of phrases or collocations, such as:

- Paddleboard: A type of surfboard on which a person stands and moves forward using a paddle.

- Paddle shifters: Buttons or paddles on a steering wheel that allow a driver to change gears without having to take their hands off the wheel.

- Paddlewheel: A large wheel with paddles around its circumference, used to propel steamboats or other watercraft.

- Paddle faster: A phrase often used to encourage someone to move more quickly or put in more effort, usually in a humorous or sarcastic way.

3. Idiomatic Aspect

Paddle can be used in several idiomatic expressions, such as:

- Up the creek without a paddle: In a difficult or hopeless situation, with no means of escape or help.

- Paddle your own canoe: To be self-sufficient or independent, and not rely on others for help or support.

- Paddle one's own boat: Similar to the above, it means to take responsibility for one's own actions and decisions.

- Paddle like mad: To work or move frantically or with great intensity, often to try to overcome a difficult situation.


1. He used a paddle to stir the soup as it simmered on the stove.


2. We rented a canoe and paddled down the river for several miles.


3. She used an old-fashioned washboard and paddle to scrub the stains out of the clothes.


4. They played a game of paddle tennis against each other on the court.


5. When the boat's motor failed, they found themselves up the creek without a paddle.






1. She paddled the canoe down the river.


2. I use a paddle to stir the soup.


3. The frog's feet had webbed paddles.





例句:Bill would be waiting for him there, and they would paddle away south down the Dease to the Great Bear Lake. (比尔将在那里等着他,他们将顺着狄斯河向南划入大熊湖。)


例句:But a hatchling loggerhead turtle would know just where to paddle-by reading the Earth's magnetic field. (然而红海龟幼龟却知道该往哪里爬——通过辨识地球磁场。)


例句:If anybody is gonna take Ricky's paddle back I'm gonna take it back. (所以她要你来拿她的桨 听着 如果要找人拿桨给力奇)


例句:There's no way to paddle out there... especially with long boards. (翻译:在这里没法把冲浪板划到浪区 尤其用的还是长板)


paddle一般作为名词、动词使用,如在double paddle(双叶桨)、dog paddle(n. 狗爬式游泳; 狗刨)、doggie paddle(=doggy paddle)等常见短语中出现较多。

double paddle双叶桨
dog paddlen. 狗爬式游泳; 狗刨
doggie paddle=doggy paddle
doggy paddlen. 狗爬式
feathering paddle[航] 活桨叶
flat paddle平板桨
froth paddle泡沫刮板
gyratory paddle(搅拌机)涡形回转桨
hinged paddle铰接轮叶


1. If anybody is gonna take Ricky's paddle back I'm gonna take it back. (翻译:所以她要你来拿她的桨 听着 如果要找人拿桨给力奇)

2. There's no way to paddle out there... especially with long boards. (翻译:在这里没法把冲浪板划到浪区 尤其用的还是长板)

3. Let's go for a paddle. (翻译:咱们去玩水吧。)

4. The day that you can paddle that far will be the day you're ready to surf Mavericks. (翻译:你能划到那么远之日 便是你能挑战马弗瑞克斯之时)

5. You know, I wonder if I could paddle all the way down that into the Gulf of California. (翻译:我不晓得我能否一路划下去 一直划到加州海岸)

6. At least have the decency to keep the paddle of a child out of this sordid mess. (翻译:李察,你总该仁慈一点 别把无辜的儿子卷入这件事)

7. We'll just jump in, have a quick paddle about, warm up, then have tea and crumpets, yes? (翻译:小游一下,暖个身 然后再喝个下午茶,好吗?)

8. Once behind the wheel, the driver controls the seven-speed DSG gearbox with the paddle- shifters on the steering wheel. (翻译:一旦后面的方向盘,司机控制七速DSG变速箱的划桨器安装在方向盘上的。)

9. But the baby wildcats would not slide in and paddle over; they were afraid of the water; they did not like to get wet. (翻译:可野猫娃们是不会照着做的,他们怕水,又不愿弄湿自己。)

10. When it's swimming in the water, it uses its paddle-like legs to push itself forward. (翻译:它游泳时, 用船桨一样的腿向前推自己。)

11. -And there was the legendary doggy paddle. (翻译:上一集最经典的就是 传说中的狗爬式之回合了 -对)

12. And this mixing paddle will churn the chestnuts so that they are heated evenly. (翻译:这个搅拌桨可以均匀搅拌栗子 可以保证它们受热均匀)

13. One of these paddle wheelers, the Delta Queen, built in 1926, still makes a trip between St. Loui. (翻译:如今,有一艘建于xx年的名叫三角洲女王号的明轮船,仍穿梭于圣。)

14. Have you been for a paddle, General? (翻译:你去踏浪了吗 将军? Have you been for a paddle, General?)

15. We'll cruise down the Nile, dancing on the deck of a paddle boat from morning to night, (翻译:我们会乘船沿着尼罗河漫游, 在一艘明轮船的甲板上起舞。从早到晚,)


