上汤芦笋用英语怎么说 上汤芦笋英语翻译

生活学习2023-07-31 21:30:27雨儿

上汤芦笋在英语中翻译是" Braised Asparagus",在常中也可以翻译为" Asparagus in ch bth",在《荷林斯高阶英汉词典》中,共找到31个与上汤芦笋相关释义和例句。

译文:而且我得少吃一点芦笋了! (芦笋比较臭) 怎么样。

1. - We have steak, asparagus and potatoes.

上汤芦笋用英语怎么说 上汤芦笋英语翻译

2. John, tell us about the asparagus dish.

3. fed wer with celery & asparagus

4. Asparagus makes my une ell funny.

5. Spaghetti. Asparagus. Celery.

6. Think he's the one that threw the pig on Tommy's car?

7. And use the asparagus tongs, darling.

8. Reeks like asparagus. Stop.

9. Stng beans, maine Lettuce, asparagus, carts... .

10. i'll make you chicken noodles.

11. Mashed potatoes and gravy and asparagus.

12. Preparation of Cdy Yoght with Asparagus

13. i'll have the asperges sce vinaigrette and then a chateband.
