音乐圈用英语怎么说 音乐圈的英语翻译

生活学习2023-08-03 15:02:26入戏太深

音乐圈英语为"tubing loop",还网络中常译为"uk music",在《大课标百科词典》中,共找到29个与音乐圈相关翻译和例句。

音乐圈用英语怎么说 音乐圈的英语翻译

1. uk music( 英国音乐;英国音乐名人堂;圈人气)

2. He went aund once, he went aund ice, he went aund thce.

译文:他绕了一圈,二圈,三圈 他绕了一圈,二圈,三圈 他绕了一圈,二圈,三圈。

3. Squid ngs and onion ngs.

4. it's been going on Since the beginning of time,

5. Are you just using me to get into the music business?

6. This is the music business.

7. He went aund once, he went aund ice, he went aund thce.

译文:他绕了一圈,二圈,三圈 他绕了一圈,二圈,三圈 他绕了一圈,二圈,三圈。

8. Here comes the steamed bun Go thugh the loop

9. "You work in fashion? i work in music. Can i borw a dress?"

10. Two , just o laps...

11. What about that Right there?

12. Walking und and und in order to dve the mill.

13. Walking aund in circles.

14. Round and und and und?
