鳡鱼用英语怎么说 鳡鱼的英语翻译

生活学习2023-08-03 16:10:28断弦

鳡鱼用英语说"stolatus",其次还可以说成"silver barfish",在《英汉百科词典》中,共找到43个与鳡鱼相关短语翻译和用法。

1. The cuervo, the other one, and the third one.

2. What about the lionfish? Feeding the lionfish?

鳡鱼用英语怎么说 鳡鱼的英语翻译

3. The fish! The fish! He's so scary!

4. Stgeons and gars are oid.

5. (Baipes skirl) The fish, the fish, the terble fish

6. You like fish, i like fish too.

7. - Try fish. Fish and ce. Very good.

8. - Sit tight, Fish! - Fish!

9. Fighting Fish, go get yo fighting fish
