分隔线用英语怎么说 分隔线的英语翻译

生活学习2023-08-03 16:48:24归寻

分隔线英语是"tear line",其次还可以说成"seperation line",在《英国翻译词典》中,共找到42个与分隔线相关翻译和例句。

分隔线用英语怎么说 分隔线的英语翻译

1. Okay, split off the vice president.

2. Which method are you using to separate fissile isotopes?

3. He was found early this mornin' lying' face down on the highway median.

4. Repass separator upght bar to have , combination.

5. My mom calls it compartmentalizing.

6. The borderline beeen love and hate is often thin.

7. "Cut open by the branches of trees

8. Today we also have pgressive lenses which get d of the line by oothly varying the focal power fm top to bottom.

译文:今天,我们还有渐进镜片, 可以把那条分隔线去掉, 让聚焦力平滑地上下渐变。

9. The pportion of the ght part to the len of line for bisecting was calculated.

10. We talked about it, in the box!

11. They should be kept separated.

12. Same reason he died on the jusdiction line.

13. You people are horble! Horble!

14. The Delimiter character in use.
