corruption是什么意思 corruption的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-08-03 17:58:25射妓总奸

1. 词义:Corruption是指使用不正当手段获得利益的行为,通常包括贪污、受贿、滥用职权等。

2. 词性:名词,可作主语、宾语等。

corruption是什么意思 corruption的中文翻译、读音、例句

3. 词组搭配:corruption of power(权力)、corruption of morals(道德败坏)、bribery and corruption(贿赂和)等。

4. 短语:to expose corruption(揭露)、to root out corruption(根除)等。

5. 发音拼写:[krpn]


1. Corruption is a major challenge to economic and social development in many countries.(是许多国家经济社会发展的主要挑战。)

2. Several officials in the department have been arrested for corruption charges.(该部门的几名官员因贪污指控而被逮捕。)

3. The company's reputation was tarnished by allegations of corruption.(该公司因被指控而名誉受损。)

4. The government has implemented strict measures to tackle corruption.(实施了严格的措施来打击。)

5. The international community must work together to combat corruption.(国际社会必须共同努力打击。)




1. Corruption is a major problem in many developing countries.(是许多发展中国家的主要问题。)

2. The politician was caught in a corruption scandal.(这位家被揭露了一个丑闻。)

3. The company was accused of corruption and bribery.(这家公司被指控和贿赂。)

4. The government is taking action to fight corruption.(正在采取行动打击。)

5. The corruption of the police force is a serious issue.(队伍的问题是一个严重的问题。)

6. The NGO aims to expose corruption in the healthcare industry.(该非组织旨在揭露医疗行业中的。)

7. The judge was found guilty of corruption and was sentenced to prison.(这位法官被认定有罪并被判入狱。)

8. The corruption of the election process is a threat to democracy.(选举过程的是对的威胁。)

9. The journalist’s investigation uncovered a mive corruption scheme involving high-ranking officials.(这位记者的调查揭露了涉及高级官员的大规模计划。)


1. Corruption is a serious problem in many countries. (在许多国家都是一个严重的问题。)

2. The government has promised to take action to tackle corruption. (承诺采取行动打击。)

3. She was accused of corruption and was eventually forced to resign. (她被指控,最终辞职。)






例句:How do you get from poverty and corruption to wealth and less corruption? (你怎样才能从贫穷和 过渡到富裕和清廉? )


例句:He was arrested in 1979 on spurious corruption charges. (他于xx年因似是而非的指控被拘捕。)


例句:Gold, silver, idols and corruption. (翻译:金,银,偶像和堕落 Gold, silver, idols and corruption.)


corruption一般作为名词使用,如在fighting corruption([网络] 对抗贪污;打击贪污;反腐)、graft and corruption(贪污腐化)、Mount of corruption([网络] 堕落山)等常见短语中出现较多。

fighting corruption[网络] 对抗贪污;打击贪污;反腐
graft and corruption贪污腐化
Mount of corruption[网络] 堕落山
offence of corruption[法] 贪污罪
prevention of corruption[法] 防止贪污
soft corruption柔性贪腐
gains from corruption[法] 贪污所得
global corruption barometer全球贪腐趋势指数


1. He was arrested in 1979 on spurious corruption charges. (翻译:他于xx年因似是而非的指控被拘捕。)

2. Gold, silver, idols and corruption. (翻译:金,银,偶像和堕落 Gold, silver, idols and corruption.)

3. And then governance and corruption: we have to fight. (翻译:接着,管理体制和。我们要与之搏斗。)

4. that I connived at bribery and corruption. (翻译:也不能被指责纵容与贿赂 that I connived at bribery and corruption.)

5. To expose the lies and corruption of the powerful. (翻译:揭露各种谎言和行为的那些人 to expose the lies and corruption of the powerful.)

6. Nah, the corruption got to you, huh? (翻译:是不喜欢的 对吧? Nah, the corruption got to you, huh?)

7. The name of Shanghai evokes crime, drugs and corruption. (翻译:上海这个名字让人联想到 犯罪、和腐朽)

8. A department ruled by violence, abuse, murder, corruption and intimidation. (翻译:这是一个充斥着暴力、滥用职权 、和恐吓的局)

9. corruption,global issues,government,politics,society,state-building (翻译:corruption,global issues,government,politics,society,state-building)

10. The report says there might be some corruption of the video waveform. (翻译:报告说,那些东西可能是某种视屏波动的变形)

11. Pursuable cases of corruption will be allocated to the chartered section for investigation (翻译:可追查的贪污案件会分派给有关调查组进行调查)

12. Did Ashbaugh ever mention anything to you about corruption? (翻译:阿什宝有没有跟你提过贪污的事 \fn微软雅黑Did Ashbaugh ever mention anything to you about corruption?)

13. Corruption is government intrusion into market efficiencies in the form of regulation. (翻译:是以规则的形式 对市场效率进行干预)

14. "to review the City procedures when investigating police corruption." (翻译:重新监管警方贪污问题 为何我没给放在最前的一段)

15. Nong Duc Manh in the report that the Communist Party is facing tough anti-corruption tasks, will increase anti-corruption efforts. (翻译:农德孟在报告中指出,越共面临艰巨反腐任务,将加大反腐力度。)
