walked是什么意思 walked的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-08-03 18:30:24紫寒



walked是什么意思 walked的中文翻译、读音、例句

常用场景:Walked常用于描述过去的步行经历或者行走方式,如:I walked to school this morning (我今天早上步行去学校)。


- walked slowly(慢慢地走)

- walked quickly(快步走)

- walked away(走开,离开)


- walk in the park(公园散步)

- walk of life(生命之路)

- walk the talk(言行一致)


英文单词'walked'的意思是 "走"。




1. She walked to the store to buy some groceries. (她步行去商店买些杂货。)

2. They walked for miles through the forest. (他们穿过森林行走数英里。)

3. He walked slowly to avoid slipping on the icy pavement. (他缓慢地走路以避免在冰面上滑倒。)




例句:A few years later, he walked past me on the street. (he walked past me on the street.)


例句:"Today I walk. Yesterday I walked." (例如:“Today I walk.”今天我走路, “Yesterday I walked.”昨天我走路。)


例句:♪ She walked up to me so gracefully ♪ (她向我袅袅走来 ♪ She walked up to me so gracefully ♪)


walked一般作为动词使用,如在walked in([网络] 走进去;东园)、walked in on(撞见\n不期而遇\n突然进来)、walked into(na. 走进;〈俚〉打骂(仆人等);〈俚〉大吃\n[网络] 走进家赫;走进伊思;自投罗网)等常见短语中出现较多。

walked in[网络] 走进去;东园
walked in on撞见\n不期而遇\n突然进来
walked intona. 走进;〈俚〉打骂(仆人等);〈俚〉大吃\n[网络] 走进家赫;走进伊思;自投罗网
walked onn. 跑龙套角色\nv. 继续行走\n[网络] 走向前;继续走下去
perp walked游街示众(俚语)
power walked[网络] 权力走了
walked about散步;踱来踱去
walked aroundna. 跳舞
walked awayn. 轻易取胜\n[网络] 映射著离开;你离开了;头也不回


1. ♪ She walked up to me so gracefully ♪ (翻译:她向我袅袅走来 ♪ She walked up to me so gracefully ♪)

2. He walked himself into camp. (翻译:他自己走回营地了 He walked himself into camp.)

3. He just walked away from everything. (翻译:只好远离一切 He just walked away from everything.)

4. I walked over to the cabinet and I... (翻译:remember? 我走过橱柜 然后 {\3cH202020}I walked over to the cabinet and I...)

5. Some journeys need to be walked alone. (翻译:一些旅途需要独自走完 Some journeys need to be walked alone.)

6. So I walked and walked and walked until I found the perfect bakery. (翻译:所以我走啊走啊走, 直到发现了一个完美的面包店, )

7. ♪ Feel like I walked 5,000 miles ♪ (翻译:# Feel like I walked 5,000 miles #)

8. as I walked out on the streets of laredo (翻译:as I walked out on the streets of laredo)

9. I was just sitting down to write a note, and then Pavlenko walked in. (翻译:I was just sitting down to write a note, 然后Pavlenko就进来了 and then Pavlenko walked in.)

10. I walked away with all their money (翻译:我把他们的钱都赢光了 I walked away with all their money)

11. 'Walk' is the root of 'walks', 'walked', 'walking' and 'walker'. (翻译:walk是walks、walked、walking和walker的词根。)

12. What if I walked out on this? (翻译:如果我离开你呢? What if I walked out on this?)

13. Then, the guy with the hat walked in. (翻译:Then, the guy with the hat walked in.)

14. He knew as soon as he walked in... (翻译:他一走进来就知道了 He knew as soon as he walked in --)

15. You walked right into this one. (翻译:是你自己找上门来的 You walked right into this one.)


