tickling是什么意思 tickling的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-08-03 21:49:26灭世轮回メヾ

1. 词的意思:tickling是动词tickle的现在分词形式,表示“挠痒、使发痒”的意思。

2. 词性:tickling是一个现在分词,可以用作动词和形容词。

tickling是什么意思 tickling的中文翻译、读音、例句

3. 常用场景:tickling常常出现在形容人们感觉、动作、反应等的场景中,例如:“The feather was tickling his nose.”(羽毛在他的鼻子上挠痒)。

4. 词组搭配:常见的与tickling相关的词组包括:tickling sensation(挠痒的感觉)、tickling your fancy(引起你的兴趣)、tickling the ivories(弹钢琴)等。

5. 相关短语:与tickling相关的短语包括:ticklish(易挠痒的)、tickle torture(挠痒折磨)、a tickle in your throat(喉咙发痒)等。

6. 发音拼写:tickling的发音为 /tkl/,其中t和k音清脆,而g和l音较轻柔。



翻译:n. 胳肢;搔;逗乐


1. The sound of his laughter made me feel happy, as we were tickling each other on the gr.


2. The child squealed with delight as his father tickled him.


3. It's hard to concentrate when someone is tickling you.





例句:And we hypothesize based on the tickling study that when one child hits another, they generate the movement command. (于是我们根据挠痒痒的实验做出了假设 就是当一个孩子打另一个的时候 会生成动作命令 )


例句:With this scenario, even something as innocuous as tickling can be a turn-on. (在这种情境下 哪怕只是无害的搔痒也能点起)


例句:Nicole: Three -- KB: Like a tickling sensation? Nicole: Yes. (Nicole: 三个-- KB: 像是三次挠痒痒? Nicole: 是的. )


例句:But if anything were to go seriously wrong, there would be little he could do against a one-tonne Elvis. (翻译:他知道轻轻地用棍子给他挠痒能使他镇静 {\3cH202020}and knows that tickling him gently with a stick keeps him calm. 对于一吨重的艾维斯他也束手无策 {\3cH202020}there would be little he could do against a one -tonne Elvis.)


tickling一般作为名词、动词使用,如在spin tickling([化] 自旋微扰)、tickling the ivories(弹钢琴)等常见短语中出现较多。

spin tickling[化] 自旋微扰
tickling the ivories弹钢琴


1. Nicole: Three -- KB: Like a tickling sensation? Nicole: Yes. (翻译:Nicole: 三个-- KB: 像是三次挠痒痒? Nicole: 是的. )

2. But if anything were to go seriously wrong, there would be little he could do against a one-tonne Elvis. (翻译:他知道轻轻地用棍子给他挠痒能使他镇静 {\3cH202020}and knows that tickling him gently with a stick keeps him calm. 对于一吨重的艾维斯他也束手无策 {\3cH202020}there would be little he could do against a one -tonne Elvis.)

3. The puerpera seemed a little sober now; She opened her eyes, tears of gratitude tickling down her cheeks. (翻译:产妇似乎清醒了一些,睁开着眼睛,感激地流出了两行眼泪。)

4. I have always suspected that the blade coming down... causes no more than a slight tickling sensation... on the back of the neck. (翻译:那尖锐刀锋滑下来 什么都感觉不到 脖子只会痒痒的)

5. Just the two of us, the beach, wearing leis around our necks, matching linen shirts, sand tickling our toes. (翻译:咱俩在海滩 脖子上戴着花环 身着情侣亚麻衬衫 沙子在亲吻我们的脚趾)

6. Now normally, you wouldn't even notice the guy, but then he's laughing, and the puppy's crawling all over him, and then he's-he's tickling the puppy's little puppy belly, and then you're thinking, I wouldn't mind spending (翻译:在一般情况下 你甚至都不会注意到那男人 但是当他开始笑 那小孩绕著他跑跑跳跳 然后他 他开始给小孩的小肚皮搔痒痒)

7. That wingtip of Baxter's been tickling me... right in the ribs for three days now, man. (翻译:巴克斯特的翼尖 快碰到我的了... 你们知道多危险)

8. I'll just be dead asleep, and she'll start swinging her head back and forth, tickling me with her... with her hair all in my face and... she'll be laughing like crazy. (翻译:我就假装睡死了 她的头就开始前后摆动 用她的头发...)

9. Oh, I know, Fred but - but I can't help laughing. Your hand is tickling my foot! -Well, cut it out! We are in real trouble! (翻译:哦。我知道。弗雷德,我不得不笑。你的手正抓着我的脚。-好的。停止!我们真的处在困境之中。)

10. His beard was tickling her cheek. (翻译:他的胡须扎得她的面颊痒痒的。)

11. And so we decided the most obvious place to start was with tickling. (翻译:我们认为最直接的着手点 就是挠痒痒这件事)

12. Eight is nothing! That's just tickling a woman. (翻译:ﻩﺃﺮﻤﻟﺍ ﻍﺪﻏﺪﻳ ﻂﻘﻓ ﻪﻧﺇ ﺀﻲﺷﻻ ﺔﻴﻧﺎﻤﺛ)

13. He in there, tickling you, right now because you such a good boy. (翻译:他现在在那里不停地挠你... 因为你是一个好孩子)

14. By then the ler goes down to her feet to give them a good tickling, she is scratching her foot with her long nails very fast. (翻译:这时候,挠痒的人又向下对着她的双脚又好好地挠了一阵,她用长长的指甲对着女孩的脚快速地乱挠。)

15. Chimpanzees laugh differently if they're being tickled than if they're playing with each other, and we might be seeing something like that here, involuntary laughter, tickling laughter, being different from social laughter. (翻译:黑猩猩在被挠痒时的笑 和他们玩耍时的笑也是不同的, 这一点和我们很像, 不自主的笑、被挠痒的笑, 与社交性的笑是不同的。)


