fourth是什么意思 fourth的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-08-03 22:22:24浮若年华丶



fourth是什么意思 fourth的中文翻译、读音、例句

词组搭配:fourth place(第四名)、fourth quarter(第四个季度)、fourth of July(美国日)

短语:the fourth time(第四次)



1. I finished fourth in the race. 我在比赛中获得了第四名。

2. This is the fourth time I've tried to call you. 这是我第四次尝试打电话联系你。

3. She was born on the fourth of July. 她出生在xx月xx日(美国日)。

4. We're in the fourth quarter of the game. 我们已经进入了比赛的第四个季度。

5. If you divide a pie into four equal parts, each part is one fourth of the pie. 如果你将一个馅饼分成四等分,每一份就是馅饼的四分之一。




1. This is the fourth time I've told you to clean your room. (这已经是我第四次告诉你要打扫房间了。)

2. He finished fourth in the race. (他在比赛中获得第四名。)

3. The fourth chapter of the book deals with the history of the company. (这本书的第四章讲述了这家公司的历史。)

4. She is the fourth generation of her family to attend this university. (她是家族中在这所大学学习的人。)




例句:I am Ahkmenrah, fourth king of the fourth king ruler of the land of my fathers. (我是阿卡曼拉 第四王朝的第四任国王 我父亲王国的统治者)


例句:The Second, third, and fourth sister! (大姐姐,二姐姐,三姐姐 四姐姐,大姑奶奶)


例句:In fourth grade the top book was, not surprisingly, "Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing" by Judy Blume . (xx年级最高的书是,不要惊讶,茱蒂布鲁姆写的《没有xx年级的故事》。)


例句:Man, we lit up the world Like the Fourth of July (翻译:Man, we lit up the world Like the Fourth of July)


fourth一般作为名词、形容词、数词使用,如在diminished fourth([网络] 减四度;完全四度再减一个半音)、fourth amendment([法] 第四条修正案)、fourth axillary([昆] 第四腋片)等常见短语中出现较多。

diminished fourth[网络] 减四度;完全四度再减一个半音
fourth amendment[法] 第四条修正案
fourth axillary[昆] 第四腋片
fourth contact【天文学】(日、月食的)复圆
fourth cousin五代旁系血亲
fourth cover(图书、杂志的)封底,封四
fourth day[网络] 第四天;第xx日;四号
fourth deck[网络] 第四层甲板
fourth decks[网络] 第四层甲板\n(fourth deck 的复数)


1. In fourth grade the top book was, not surprisingly, "Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing" by Judy Blume . (翻译:xx年级最高的书是,不要惊讶,茱蒂布鲁姆写的《没有xx年级的故事》。)

2. Man, we lit up the world Like the Fourth of July (翻译:Man, we lit up the world Like the Fourth of July)

3. Now, listen, I am still having my annual Fourth of July Clambake. (翻译:I am still having my annual Fourth of July Clambake.)

4. Fourth man will be Mazzoleni. (翻译:第四官员将是马佐勒尼。)

5. I said between the fourth and fifth. (翻译:I said between the fourth and fifth. 我是说在第四和第五根肋骨之间)

6. Then the fifth, then the fourth. (翻译:然后第五层第四层 Then the fifth, then the fourth.)

7. The human is no longer aware of the fourth dimension. (翻译:这个人感知不到第四维了 The human is no longer aware of the fourth dimension.)

8. Let me see if I have this right. (翻译:这是我们连续第四次拦船了 {\3cH202020}This is the fourth prize in a row)

9. The fourth, for the fourth month, was Asahel the brother of Joab; his son Zebadiah was his successor. (翻译:xx月第四班的班长是约押的兄弟亚撒黑。接续他的是他儿子西巴第雅。)

10. Fourth row down, fourth from the right. (翻译:fourth from the right.)

11. Between the fourth and fifth rib. (翻译:Between the fourth and fifth rib. 在第四根肋骨和第五根肋骨之间)

12. Haqqani has a knife to the throat of the throat of the fourth. (翻译:Haqqani has a knife to the throat of the... ... throat of the fourth.)

13. This is the fourth letter I have written and the fourth I have destroyed. (翻译:这是我写给你的第四封信了, 也是我毁掉的第四封)

14. And the fourth is the poller and exacter of fees; (翻译:第四种就是收取与敲诈费用者; )

15. The car was in fourth gear. (翻译:那辆汽车处于第4挡。)


