seydel是什么意思 英文名seydel[赛德尔]的翻译、发音、来源

生活学习2023-08-04 07:22:24何处归



seydel是什么意思 英文名seydel[赛德尔]的翻译、发音、来源




例句:ICANN is headquartered in the United States in Marina del Rey, California. (ICANN的总部位于美国加利福尼亚州的玛丽安德尔湾。)


例句:Got it. Motel Corona Del Norte. (查到了 Carona Del Norte汽车旅馆)


例句:Canyon Del Oro, The Lost Adams. (Caan Del Oro, The Lost Adams.)


例句:Home of Del and Charla Geddens Kearny, New Jersey Thursday, December 15 (翻译:Del和Charla Geddens家里 New Jersey Kearny镇 xx月xx日 星期四)


1. Canyon Del Oro, The Lost Adams. (翻译:Caan Del Oro, The Lost Adams.)

2. Home of Del and Charla Geddens Kearny, New Jersey Thursday, December 15 (翻译:Del和Charla Geddens家里 New Jersey Kearny镇 xx月xx日 星期四)

3. Del Rosario said the drugs threw her into a deep depression. She started having panic attacks. (翻译:Del Rosario说,药物把她抛入了抑郁的深渊,她开始出现惊恐发作,“我简直无法将这场搏斗进行下去,”她说。)

4. Dave. No, Keith, yeah, Dogger, he's a mate of, er, Del's, Mitch, yeah. (翻译:不是,Keith,对了,Dogger 他跟Del,呃,Mitch是朋友)

5. - HE STILL THINKS THAT YOU HAD DEL SCALPED. (翻译:但是被艾登把我关进牢里 他还认定是你割掉载尔的头皮)

6. "It was difficult to speak, but they are so happy for me," del Potro said. (翻译:“这很难说出口,但是他们的确为我感到高兴。”波特罗说。)

7. Today, the Bolivian Army reported a rebel clash at Vado del Yeso. (翻译:今天玻利维亚军报告说 在Vado del Yeso有一伙叛徒)

8. You can say he's a hero of our times... (翻译:你可以说这是你们时代的英雄 Si pu dire un eroe del nostro tempo oramai...)

9. My name is Teresa Del Taco. (翻译:我叫玉米卷特里萨 My name is Teresa Del Taco.)

10. Oh, I just got some interest from the Del Monico Modeling Agency. (翻译:Del Monico模特经纪公司的回复 from the Del Monico Modeling Agency.)

11. “An ugly duckling has been turned into a swan, ” Ms. Del Nunzio said. (翻译:“丑小鸭变成了白天鹅。” Del Nunzio女士说。)

12. Anis del Toro. It's a drink. (翻译:大茴香酒。是一种饮料。)

13. A few years ago, we did a performance piece in Venice, Italy, called "Il Corso del Coltello" -- the Swiss Army knife. (翻译:几年前,我们在意大利威尼斯搞了一场行为艺术 叫“Il Corso del Coltello”--瑞士军刀 )

14. She is Lisa del Giocondo, wife of Florentine businessman Francesco del Giocondo. (翻译:她是佛罗伦萨商人弗朗西斯科•德尔乔贡德的妻子丽莎•德尔乔贡德。)

15. Antonio Brufau, the firm’s executive chairman, has been at odds with Luis del Rivero, chairman of construction firm Sacyr Vallehermoso, which owns a 20% stake in Repsol. (翻译:公司的执行总裁Anotonio Brufau与占有雷普索尔20%股份Sacyr Vallehermoso公司的建筑总监Luis del Rivero不和。)
