primeval是什么意思 primeval的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-08-04 12:18:22描眉


primeval是什么意思 primeval的中文翻译、读音、例句



- primeval forest: 原始森林

- primeval times: 原始时代

- primeval creatures: 原始生物

- primeval nature: 原始自然

- primeval state: 原始状态




1. The primeval forest is home to many rare animals and plants.(原始森林是许多珍稀动植物的家园。)

2. The primeval times were a period of great change and evolution.(原始时代是一个巨大的变革和演化时期。)

3. The primeval sea was full of strange and mysterious creatures.(原始的海洋充满了奇异而神秘的生物。)

4. The primeval landscape was rugged and inhospitable.(原始的地貌崎岖不平,不适合人居住。)

5. The primeval rituals were steeped in tradition and mythology.(原始的仪式充满了传统和神话色彩。)

6. The primeval instincts of animals are often driven by survival and reproduction.(动物的原始本能往往是出于生存和繁衍需要的驱动。)

7. The primeval atmosphere of the ancient city was both eerie and fascinating.(古城的原始氛围既令人毛骨悚然又着迷不已。)

primeval的中文翻译是“原始的”,读音为 [pramivl]。


1. The primeval forests have been destroyed by human activities.


2. The cave paintings are a glimpse into the primeval world of our ancestors.


3. The primeval instincts of survival kick in when faced with danger.





例句:Even so, about four percent of the primeval Redwood rainforest remains intact, wild and now protected -- entirely protected -- in a chain of small parks strung out like pearls along the north coast of California, including Redwood National Park. (尽管如此,还是有4%的原始红杉雨林保留了下来 它们未受人类文明践踏,而且现在被保护了起来——全面地被保护起来 它们被保护于沿着加州北海岸 珠连起来的一些小公园里,包括红杉国家公园。)


例句:Even so, about four percent of the primeval Redwood rainforest remains intact, wild and now protected -- entirely protected -- in a chain of small parks strung out like pearls along the north coast of California, including Redwood National Park. (尽管如此,还是有4%的原始红杉雨林保留了下来 它们未受人类文明践踏,而且现在被保护了起来——全面地被保护起来 它们被保护于沿着加州北海岸 珠连起来的一些小公园里,包括红杉国家公园。)


例句:Neith is not only a primeval deity but also a goddess of the universe. (奴特不仅是一位太初的神,而且还是宇宙的女神。)


例句:In the process of manifestation, Lord Shiva is the primeval consciousness and creates the other members of the trimurti . (翻译:在整个显现过程中,主湿婆是原初的知觉和创造了其他的三神一体。)


primeval一般作为形容词使用,如在primeval arthropod(原始节肢动物)、primeval atmosphere(原始大气)、primeval atom(【天体物理学】原始原子)等常见短语中出现较多。

primeval arthropod原始节肢动物
primeval atmosphere原始大气
primeval atom【天体物理学】原始原子
primeval climax原生顶极
primeval fireball原初火球
primeval forest原生林
primeval forests[网络] 原始森林
primeval galaxy原始星系
primeval isotope原始(时代)的同位素


1. Neith is not only a primeval deity but also a goddess of the universe. (翻译:奴特不仅是一位太初的神,而且还是宇宙的女神。)

2. In the process of manifestation, Lord Shiva is the primeval consciousness and creates the other members of the trimurti . (翻译:在整个显现过程中,主湿婆是原初的知觉和创造了其他的三神一体。)

3. I feel like the protohuman, coming out of the forest primeval and seeing the moon for the first time and throwing rocks at it. (翻译:我觉得自己像是 第一次看到月亮... 并对它丢石头的原始人)

4. According to the Jaccard similarity coefficient, the composition of the ant species all has distinct difference between primeval and secondary forests of the 4 vegetation subtypes. (翻译:从蚂蚁群落相似性系数来看,4种植被亚型的原始林和次生林蚂蚁物种的组成均具有显著差异。)

5. To the primeval forest, you can enjoy the natural life of the colorful, big forest to explore the mysteries of the infinite. (翻译:到原始森林,您可饱览天然生命的多姿多彩,探寻大森林的无穷奥秘。)

6. The Eastern Hemlock forest is being considered in some ways the last fragments of primeval rainforest east of the Mississippi River. (翻译:在某种程度上,加拿大铁杉树林被认为是 密西西比河东部原始雨林的最后一部分。)

7. The Undead of Nadin-zakir are in constant struggle with the primeval powers of the forest. (翻译:纳丁-扎起尔的不死族与森林的原始力量间持续进行着拉锯战。)

8. If we go a little bit further south in our little tour of the world, we can go to the Bolivian edge of the Amazon, here also in 1975, and if you look really carefully, there's a thin white line through that kind of seam, and there's a lone farmer out there in the middle of the primeval jungle. (翻译:如果这趟世界之旅稍微往南前进 可抵达亚马逊盆地与玻利维亚交界处 这同样是xx年的景观,如果仔细观察 将会看见一条白色细线 穿过一道类似细缝的地方 一位孤独的农夫 伫立在原始丛林中 )

9. If there was a reason to climb out of this primeval swill, believe me, dear, I'd know it. (翻译:如果这世上有一个理由 能从这肮脏混世中爬上来 相信我,亲爱的,我早就上岸了)

10. And in the last two to three summers, these invasive organisms, this kind of Ebola of the trees, as it were, has swept through the primeval Hemlock forest of the east, and has absolutely wiped it out. I climbed there this past summer. (翻译:而且在最近两到三个夏天里,这些侵略性生物, 有如扩散在树木中的“埃博拉病毒”, 已经横扫了东部整个的原始铁杉林, 使它们完全灭绝。去年夏天我去那里进行爬树之旅。)

11. Four-fifths of the world's energy still comes from burning each year four cubic miles of the rotted remains of primeval swamp goo. (翻译:世界能源的五分之四 仍然来自于每年燃烧 四平方英里原始沼泽 遗留的腐化物质 )

12. inlasvegas, the last glimmers of manmade light on earth relinquish the night to its primeval blackness. (翻译:最后一点人造光也消失殆尽 回归到其最原始的黑暗 由于发电机不再运转)

13. After the storm here comes sunshine. The feelings are inexpressible! The world once more is glistened with primeval elegance. (翻译:暴风雨过后,太阳出来了。这种感觉难以形容。世界再次闪耀着它最初的优雅。)

14. this supreme universal form of Mine, gloriously effulgent , infinite, primeval which no one has seen before except you. (翻译:“我”的这个至高无上的宇宙形象,壮丽辉煌,光辉灿烂,无穷无尽,而又原始古老,除了你之外,谁都没有见过。)

15. Go there for unique and salubrious air, to enjoy the primeval purity of tarns. (翻译:去那儿呼吸独特的清爽空气,享受那里原始时代的纯静湖泊。)
