中庸全文用英语怎么说 中庸全文英语翻译

生活学习2023-08-04 15:10:27半烟

中庸全文用英语说"medeous",还网络中常译为"full text searching",在《英汉简明词典》中,共找到49个与中庸全文相关译文和例句。

1. Objective To know the status in utilizing full-text peodicals on NSTL in o institute.

中庸全文用英语怎么说 中庸全文英语翻译

2. Read full article: What is Hematua?

3. The epilog gives a summary of the whole thesis.

4. Cti say you've gone middle-of-the-ad.

5. Said i've lost something, said i've gone middle-of-the-ad.

6. Cyborg, can you extrapolate this text?

7. CQRS Thin Read Layer: Where does full text search fit in?

8. The whole Post would've gone all the way up my arm.

9. So, what's that like, not being anyone in particular?

10. into my sece files area?

11. fax, safety culte totype the value of life

12. To oain the iD of the column associated with the full-text key of the full-text index, use sys. Fulltext_indexes.


13. Although he wants to make a hit, i think he hasnt got much to show off.
