ambient是什么意思 ambient的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-08-04 18:24:25向曼

ambient是什么意思 ambient的中文翻译、读音、例句




词组搭配:ambient music(环境音乐)、ambient temperature(环境温度)、ambient light(环境光线)、ambient air(环境空气)、ambient noise(环境噪音)

相关短语:ambient sound(环境声音)、ambient temperature(环境温度)、ambient light(环境光线)


'ambient'这个词语来源于拉丁语,意为"周围的、围绕的",在英语中一般用作形容词,表示环境、气氛等方面的特征。常见翻译有"周围的、环绕的、周围环境的、周边的",在音乐领域中也有"氛围音乐的"的意思。常用的搭配有"ambient light"(环境光)、"ambient sound"(环境声音)等。


1. The ambient temperature in the room was too high.(环境温度太高了。)

2. The ambient noise made it hard to concentrate.(周围的噪声让人难以集中注意力。)

3. The ambient light was perfect for taking photos.(环境光线非常适合拍照。)

4. This restaurant has a nice ambient atmosphere.(这家餐厅氛围很好。)

5. The ambient humidity was it difficult to breathe.(环境湿度使人呼吸困难。)

6. The ambient temperature in the lab needs to be kept constant.(实验室的环境温度需要保持稳定。)

7. The music played in the caf was ambient and relaxing.(咖啡馆里播放的音乐很氛围、轻松。)

8. The hotel lobby had a pleasant ambient aroma.(酒店大堂有一种令人愉悦的环境香气。)

9. The ambient colors of the sunset were breathtaking.(夕阳的环境色彩令人叹为观止。)


读音: /mbint/


1. This coffee shop has a very pleasant ambient atmosphere.


2. The ambient temperature in the room was too high, it uncomfortable to work.


3. The music playing softly in the background created an ambient mood for the dinner party.





例句:At higher total ASB widths, the ASB width-ambient temperature curve is slightly concave-upward. (当绝热剪切带的总厚度在上限时,绝热剪切带宽度-环境温度曲线是稍微上凹的;)


例句:As I was trying to tell you,I cooled my heat signature to ambient air temperature. (正如我试图告诉你的 我已经将我的热信号冷却至环境温度)


例句:But after a few days, the ambient radioactivity begins to affect even the machines. (但是几天后 连机器都遭到周围的辐射所影响)


例句:Infants are often comforted by swaddling, ambient noise, and movement, as in rocking or swinging in a swing. (翻译:婴儿经常通过襁褓、环境声音和运动进行安抚,如摇、荡秋千。)


ambient一般作为名词、形容词使用,如在drywell ambient temperature(干井周围温度)、environmental ambient essment(环境现状评估)、electromagnetic ambient level(电磁环境电平)等常见短语中出现较多。

drywell ambient temperature干井周围温度
environmental ambient essment环境现状评估
electromagnetic ambient level电磁环境电平
general ambient light总照明
group ambient temperature群环境温度
high ambient temperature高周围温度
higher ambient transistor高温度稳定晶体管
highest ambient temperature最高周围温度;最高环境温度
limiting ambient temperature极限环境温度


1. But after a few days, the ambient radioactivity begins to affect even the machines. (翻译:但是几天后 连机器都遭到周围的辐射所影响)

2. Infants are often comforted by swaddling, ambient noise, and movement, as in rocking or swinging in a swing. (翻译:婴儿经常通过襁褓、环境声音和运动进行安抚,如摇、荡秋千。)

3. Let me start with the aspect of comfort, because many people are confusing ambient temperature with thermal comfort. (翻译:我从舒适方面来说, 因为很多人 把外界环境 和热舒适 混淆在一起了。)

4. We also discovered that ambient temperature affects the lumen output of the Casio hybrid light engines. (翻译:我们还发现环境温度也影响卡西欧混合光源投影机的亮度输出。)

5. Nada Terma merges the boundaries of ambient, world music and sacred-meditative styles. (翻译:纳达伏藏合并的环境,世界音乐和神圣的,冥想风格的界限。)

6. TS: The magnetic works are a combination of gravity and magnetism, so it's a kind of mixture of these ambient forces that influence everything. (翻译:TS:磁铁的工作 需要结合重力和磁性, 所以它混合了很多这些 对周围物体有影响的力量。)

7. At higher total ASB widths, the ASB width-ambient temperature curve is slightly concave-upward. (翻译:当绝热剪切带的总厚度在上限时,绝热剪切带宽度-环境温度曲线是稍微上凹的; )

8. "Marine Ambient Noise Surveillance and Inversion Techniques" (MANSIT) is a subproject of State Oceanic 863. (翻译:“海洋环境噪声监测及反演技术研究”是国家海洋863项目。)

9. A combination of a strong directional light and a weaker ambient light gives a natural-looking appearance to your scene. (翻译:由强方向性光源和较弱的环境光源组合在一起可以为你的场景提供一种自然的感观。)

10. The theoretical equation of the centerlinedilution along the axis of jets in coflow ambient is developed. (翻译:建立了同流环境中沿射流轴线的中心线稀释的理论方程。)

11. However, the ambient will add to the exposure. If the ambient is not dark, the added light from the flash can overexpose the subject. (翻译:然而,环境光毕竟是要增加曝光的,如果环境明亮,增加的光就会使主体过曝。)

12. I programmed in ambient sounds. (翻译:我的合伙人会听到什么? 我在程序中植入了各种环境噪声)

13. A bimetallic element is fitted between the movement and Bourdon tube to compensate for fluctuations of ambient temperature at the case . (翻译:在机械装置和波登管之间安装了双金属元件,用来补偿外壳内环境温度波动的影响。)

14. Such a design proposal is able to ensure an ambient temperature as required for equipment operation as well as mans health and safety. (翻译:该设计方案较好地满足了设备运行对环境温度的要求、人员的卫生要求和安全要求。)

15. Wireless Sensor Network is often used for monitoring ambient temperature, humidity, light intensity, gas concentration. (翻译:无线传感器网络常常被用于对环境温度、湿度、光强、气体浓度的监测。)
