慧眼识人用英语怎么说 慧眼识人英语翻译

生活学习2023-08-04 20:40:29点清颜

慧眼识人在英语中翻译是"epophthalmia eles",在常中也可以翻译为"outsee",在《在线英语词典》中,共找到86个与慧眼识人相关释义和例句。

慧眼识人用英语怎么说 慧眼识人英语翻译

1. ♪ Master Shifu saw the war blossom ♪

2. Merkl seems to have a good eye for reality.

3. He can spot a frd a mile away. Here's yo office.

4. And you have such a good eye for the new painters.

5. Well, you always had an eye for talent, Nick.

6. Open yo wise eyes with coage

7. Mom, do you think it means people ...

8. Now they're like platinum, and no one n belis me that i called it.

译文:Now they're like platinum, and no one n belis me that I called it. 现在他们大红大紫,没人相信我之前慧眼识英。

9. Wong always did have an eye for talent.

10. [Scatting] ♪ Master Shifu saw the war blossom ♪

11. if you don't know what an information cve is, then find out!

12. You can nr know, they could find a "new" Marangon Doni.

13. i ase and saw with different eyes.

14. Yeah, wise-eyes, that's it. That's it exactly.
