ticket是什么意思 ticket的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-08-04 22:20:27南岸青栀

ticket是什么意思 ticket的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 单词含义





2. 缩写词含义


a.TIC:Theater Information Center,表示剧院信息中心。


c.TBD:To Be Determined,表示待定。

d.TBR:To Be Released,表示即将发布。

3. 用法

a. 名词含义:可以用于表示购买门票或车票,违章罚单等。


1. I bought a ticket to the concert last week. (我上个星期买了一张音乐会门票。)

2. The train ticket to London costs about 40 pounds. (去伦敦的火车票大约需要40英镑。)

3. He was given a parking ticket for parking in the wrong place. (他因为停车地点错误被开了一张罚单。)

b. 动词含义:通常用于描述领取或发放门票、车票等。


1. The manager of the theater is responsible for ticketing. (剧院经理负责售票。)

2. She went to the counter to ticket the train for her journey. (她去柜台为自己的旅程取票。)

3. The travel agent will ticket the flight for you. (旅行社会替你预订机票。)

c. 缩写词含义:主要用于表示场馆、票务或活动的信息。


1. You can get information about the theater from the TIC. (你可以从剧院信息中心获得有关剧院的信息。)

2. TKTs for the latest movie are selling fast. (最新电影的门票卖得很快。)

3. The date for the concert is still TBD. (音乐会的日期尚未确定。)

4. TBRs for the upcoming book have been released. (即将发布的新书的信息已经发布了。)





1. I need a plane ticket to Beijing.(我需要一张去北京的机票。)

2. May I see your train ticket, please?(请问可以看一下你的火车票吗?)

3. I got two tickets for the concert next week.(我买到了下周音乐会的两张门票。)

4. The parking ticket is on the windshield.(罚单贴在挡风玻璃上了。)

5. You must have a ticket to enter the museum.(进入博物馆必须要有门票。)

6. I lost my lottery ticket.(我丢失了彩票。)

7. The ticket is valid for 24 hours.(这张票有效期是24小时。)

8. The police officer gave him a speeding ticket.(给他开了一张超速罚单。)

9. Can I get a refund for my concert ticket?(我能退掉我买的音乐会门票吗?)


读音:英 [tkt] 美 [tkt]


1. I bought a ticket for the movie tonight.


2. He was fined for parking illegally and received a ticket.


3. I need to purchase a train ticket to go to Shanghai.


4. The concert is sold out and there are no more tickets available.


5. We showed our tickets to the usher and were directed to our seats.





例句:He works as a ticket clerk at two fosters tube station. (他在图福斯特隧道车站做售票员 He works as a ticket clerk at Twofosters tube station.)


例句:- You won't. You kill him, you kill our express ticket out of here. (you kill our express ticket out of here.)


例句:- You don't have a ticket? ({\fn华文仿宋\fs16\1cHD1D1D1})


例句:This ticket is non-endorsable. (翻译:这张机票没有背书。)


ticket一般作为名词、动词使用,如在not the ticket([口语];不时髦,不合时兴式样;不对路,不合适,不合要求)、the ticket([网络] 票;票务;罚单)、ticket to([网络] 地点;地点去……的票;达到目的的途径)等常见短语中出现较多。

not the ticket[口语];不时髦,不合时兴式样;不对路,不合适,不合要求
the ticket[网络] 票;票务;罚单
ticket to[网络] 地点;地点去……的票;达到目的的途径
dry ticket干票
E ticketn. 电子票\n[网络] 机票电子档;电子机票;机票的副本
dog ticket[澳大利亚口语]=dog licence
discharge ticket解雇通知
entry ticketn. 门票; 入场卷
entrance ticket门票


1. - You don't have a ticket? (翻译:{\fn华文仿宋\fs16\1cHD1D1D1})

2. This ticket is non-endorsable. (翻译:这张机票没有背书。)

3. He bought a ticket on the Titanic. (翻译:He bought a ticket on the Titanic. 我觉他买了张铁达尼的船票)

4. They tussled over the last ticket. (翻译:他们为最后一张票发生争吵。)

5. Where are TK1 and TK2 right now? (翻译:Ticket1和Ticket2现在在哪里)

6. I already bought a ticket. (翻译:我已经买了票。I already bought a ticket.)

7. Look, if I did something wrong, just write me a ticket and let me go. (翻译:just write me a ticket and let me go.)

8. If you want to commute from Henley to the City, you need one British Rail ticket to Paddington and then an Underground ticket to the Bank. (翻译:如果你想在亨里和伦敦间往返 If you want to commute from Henley to the City, 得买张火车票到帕丁顿 you need one British Rail ticket to Paddington 再买张地铁票到银行 and then an Underground ticket to the Bank.)

9. Well, he got the ticket, sir. (翻译:他拿到票了 先生 Well, he got the ticket, sir. -那就好)

10. Well, a ticket for the south, that depends... (翻译:一张去南方的票啊 价格是有浮动的 Alors, un billet pour le Sud, a dpend.)

11. Not an easy ticket to get. (翻译:这个门票可不好搞 Not an easy ticket to get.)

12. It's called a VIP ticket. (翻译:这叫贵宾票。)

13. Buy yourself a ticket quickly (翻译:快来买票子 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}Buy yourself a ticket quickly)

14. Methane gas, our ticket out of here. (翻译:是甲烷 能助我们逃离这里 Methane gas, our ticket out of here.)

15. Is this his golden ticket? (翻译:她是他的金券吗 {\3cH000000}Is this his golden ticket?)


