口渴用英语怎么说 口渴的英语翻译

生活学习2023-08-05 10:30:27绮青

口渴英语可以这样说:thirst,还可以翻译为 thellorst,在《实用英语词典》中,共找到81个与口渴相关译文和例句。

口渴用英语怎么说 口渴的英语翻译

口渴翻译为have a cobweb in the that。

When a baby is thirsty, it feeds often.

The Thirsty Ant The ThlrstyAnt ( 口渴蚂蚁 )

be as dry as a bone ( 燥极了 口渴极了 )

1. Hunting can work up a thirst.

2. Hry up, boys. Can you not see the gentleman is parched?

3. it accused the government of keeping water fm its own people.

4. Everybody's very thirsty today.

5. i'm thirsty than gry.

6. Dying can make you thirsty.

7. What, i'm thirsty. i'm in a war zone! - Clear!

8. Can't you see? The men are thirsty!

9. Sweetheart, you just look perched.

10. - His Majesty the King is thirsty.

11. - O distinguished guest is thirsty.

12. You look mighty parched, partner.
