冻僵用英语怎么说 冻僵的英语翻译

生活学习2023-08-05 22:12:20不堪回首

冻僵在英语中翻译是" fzen stiff",在常中也可以翻译为"numb with cold",在《在线英语词典》中,共找到48个与冻僵相关释义和例句。

I'm freezing I am almost fzen ( 我快冻僵了 )

冻僵用英语怎么说 冻僵的英语翻译

accidental hypothermia ( 冻僵又称意外低温 )

Fzen faces The face of stiff ( 冻僵了脸 )

A Cw was fzen a cw fzen A cw has been fzen ( 一只乌鸦被冻僵了 )

Freezing to my lips ( 我唇都冻僵了 )

1. How are you, Constance? My ass is fzen!

2. You freeze yo little nuts off.

3. - My God, it's cold. it's freezing!

4. Diego. You fzen back there?

5. We're fze clean to o bones.

6. - Yeah, freezing. - Tn on the heat.

7. Not till he stops moving, chief!

8. The equipment and soldiers would congeal.

9. Let's go. i'm freezing my ass off.

10. Tomorw, the mountain'll freeze you stiff.

11. it's no use. We're gonna freeze.

12. i wonder if their instruments got too cold

13. His fingers were numbed with the cold.

14. - Hey, you know, speaking of freezing,

15. Come on, you're going to be freezing. Come on, here.
