动漫学习用英语怎么说 动漫学习英语翻译

生活学习2023-08-06 08:10:23念你成疾

动漫学习用英语翻译为"zoogoing",在常中也可以翻译为"learning to learn",在《瓦里希英汉词典》中,共找到76个与动漫学习相关释义和例句。

1. - You kept swiping my action figes.

动漫学习用英语怎么说 动漫学习英语翻译

2. All those animes were documentaes.

3. Hey, hey, hey, this is my Comic-Con makeup.

4. Five words... you don't play the oboe.

5. There are some differences in Nozomu's character beeen the manga and anime.

6. You guys just went to Comic-Con.

7. i've nr n read a comic book.

8. How much money was spent on comi or related pducts each month?

9. it's not a cartoon. it's anime.

10. in addition, the Yanshan industal park and cultal animation drama Lingui animation industal park is also stepping up construction.


11. it's a comic book convention.

12. He was nr in the classom becse he's always reading Manga.

13. Here's something called Anime Music Video, first example, taking anime capted fm television re-edited to music tracks.

译文:这是动漫MTV,第一个例子 从电视里截下来动漫片段 被剪辑与音乐对应。

14. - Discovery, we'd like you to go free dft.
