逃命用英语怎么说 逃命的英语翻译

生活学习2023-08-06 16:02:22南巷

逃命英语可以这样说: escape,还网络中常译为"runflee",在《英语发音在线词典》中,共找到95个与逃命相关翻译和例句。

逃命用英语怎么说 逃命的英语翻译

Puerto Vallarta Squeeze ( 逃命 )

1. it means "fleeing for ones life"

2. -it's a long way to Motambe.

3. ...thousands of people running-

4. You can have yos. Now go.

5. Run for the hills! Everybody ptect yoselves!

6. And you'd better start running.

7. But initially, one must escape fm here. These people are really very stng.

8. Mder! Help! Run, for heaven's sake!

9. And here you are, running scared.

10. ~ Gustav ~ You call this a getaway car?

11. - Go! - Run for yo life!

12. He just died running, trying to save his own skin.
