ith是什么意思 ith的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-08-07 07:22:21南巷

ith是什么意思 ith的中文翻译、读音、例句



1. The warmth of the sun was soothing to my skin. 阳光的温暖让我的皮肤感到舒适。

2. The strength of the wind knocked down the tree. 风的力量把树吹倒了。

3. The depth of his knowledge impressed me. 他的学识深度让我印象深刻。

4. The height of the building was overwhelming. 建筑的高度让人难以想象。

5. The breadth of her experience makes her a valuable et to the team. 她经验的广度使她成为团队中的宝贵财富。



1. Ith my family, I went to the beach for a picnic. (我和我的家人一起去海滩野餐。)

2. She always enjoys watching movies ith her friends. (她总是喜欢和朋友们一起看电影。)

3. He loves hiking ith his dog on weekends. (他喜欢在周末和他的狗一起徒步旅行。)




例句:That afternoon I stood in the hall ith a great number of young intervie ees. We ere ating for our turns to be intervie ed. (那天下午我和许多年轻的应试者一起站在大厅里,等着面试。)


例句:ith a large number of different tasks to be controlled and many types of PLCs and controllers, engineers' imaginations ran wild. (随着大量的不同的任务是控制和许多类型的PLC和控制器,工程师想象力横行。)


例句:No, I'm not still going out w jordan mens spizike ith Margaret. Anyway, that was only a one-night stand. (不,我没和玛格丽特在继续谈恋爱,我们俩只有过一夜关系而已。)


例句:At the moment I met ith the smiling eyes of the intervie er, I gained my confidence and began my intervie smoothly. (翻译:就在那时,我看见了考官那双充满笑意的眼睛,我找回了自信,顺利地开始了面试。)


ith一般作为名词使用,如在ith affine coordinate([数] 第i仿射坐标)、ith affine coordinates(第i仿射坐标)等常见短语中出现较多。

ith affine coordinate[数] 第i仿射坐标
ith affine coordinates第i仿射坐标


1. No, I'm not still going out w jordan mens spizike ith Margaret. Anyway, that was only a one-night stand. (翻译:不,我没和玛格丽特在继续谈恋爱,我们俩只有过一夜关系而已。)

2. At the moment I met ith the smiling eyes of the intervie er, I gained my confidence and began my intervie smoothly. (翻译:就在那时,我看见了考官那双充满笑意的眼睛,我找回了自信,顺利地开始了面试。)

3. The arrows indicate the operations on the ith array index. (翻译:箭头表示了对第i个数组元素所进行的操作。)

4. Pij is the priority value of the JTH criteria belonging to the ith criteria group. (翻译:pij是第i个标准组中第j个标准的优先级的值。)

5. Sijx is the score of the XTH application comparison against the JTH criteria in the ith criteria group. (翻译:sijx是第i个标准组中第x个应用程序对比第j条标准的值。)

6. Mom, being in an enthemble ith really thtrething me out. (翻译:妈妈,在enthemble是 第i个真正thtrething我出去。)

7. At the moment I met ith the smiling eyes of the intervie er, I gained my confidence and began my intervie smoothly. (翻译:就在那时,我看见了考官那双充满笑意的眼睛,我找回了自信,顺利地开始了面试。)

8. The golden column gate, the residential gate for a middle or lo-ranking official, as a gate ith its doorframe fixed into a golden gate. (翻译:金柱大门是皇朝时中低官员的宅门,是将门框安在金柱上的大门。)

9. Pi is the priority value of the ith criteria group. (翻译:Pi 是第 i 个标准组的优先级的值。)

10. Last eek I sa a young man giving up his seat to a oman ith a baby in her arms on a bus. (翻译:上周,我在公共汽车上看到一个年轻人给一个怀抱婴儿的妇女让座。)

11. Ni is the number of the members in the ith criteria group. (翻译:Ni是第i个标准组中成员的个数。)
