llc是什么意思 llc的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-08-07 16:06:22逗神无敌!

1. 缩写词全称与意义:LLC是Limited Liability Company(有限责任公司)的缩写,是一种在美国、英国和其他一些国家和地区都存在的公司组织形式。LLC是一种融合了公司和合伙企业优点的形式,享有有限责任、灵活管理等优势。

llc是什么意思 llc的中文翻译、读音、例句


- I just formed an LLC to protect my personal ets in case my business is sued.

- My friend and I decided to start an LLC instead of a partnership because of the limited liability.

- Our LLC consists of four members who share equal ownership and decision- power.

- To form an LLC, we had to file articles of organization with the state government.

- LLCs are becoming increasingly popular because they offer a more flexible business structure than traditional corporations.

2. 国别差异:虽然LLC是在美国和其他一些国家和地区普遍存在的公司形式,但是其法律规定和税收政策在不同的国家和地区也存在差异。


- In the United States, LLCs are taxed as p-through entities, meaning that the profits and losses of the company are reflected on the owners' personal tax returns.

- In the United Kingdom, LLCs are known as limited liability partnerships (LLPs) and offer similar advantages to their American counterparts.

- In Germany, LLCs are known as GmbHs and are subject to more rigorous legal requirements than in other countries.

- In China, the LLC form is not commonly used because of the stricter regulations on foreign investment.

- LLCs in Dubai are subject to the laws and regulations of the Dubai International Financial Centre.

3. 与其他公司形式的比较:与其他公司形式相比,LLC具有独特的优点和缺点。与个人独资、合伙企业、公司等形式相比,LLC在管理、税收、责任等方面各有千秋。


- Compared to a sole proprietorship, an LLC offers limited liability protection and the ability to issue ownership shares.

- Compared to a partnership, an LLC offers more flexibility in management and decision-.

- Compared to a corporation, an LLC offers simpler tax reporting and fewer formal requirements.

- Compared to a non-profit organization, an LLC cannot receive tax-exempt status but has greater flexibility in generating revenue.

- Compared to a franchise, an LLC offers more control over the business operations and branding.

4. 应用领域:LLC的应用范围非常广泛,可以用于各种企业形式,包括小型企业、中型企业、家族企业、非营利组织等。


- Our family business recently converted from a partnership to an LLC to protect our personal ets.

- As a freelance writer, I formed an LLC to take advantage of tax deductions and legal protections.

- Our community theater group operates as an LLC to minimize liability for our volunteers and board members.

- The new restaurant down the street is an LLC owned by several investors who share the profits and decision- power.

- The local animal shelter was recently restructured as an LLC to increase fundraising opportunities.

'LLC'是一种商业实体类型,意为“有限责任公司”(Limited Liability Company)。它是一种类似于公司和合伙企业的实体,具有更灵活的管理结构和更少的法律要求。LLC的成员拥有有限责任,即其个人资产不会因为公司的债务而受到影响。


读音:'LLC'的读音为 [el el si].


1. My business is registered as an LLC to protect my personal ets.


2. LLCs have become a popular choice for entrepreneurs due to their flexibility and limited liability protection.





例句:Same place leased his car. (他的车也是通过那租的 Same place leased his car. 水电费是Porpoise有限公司缴的 Utilities paid by Porpoise LLC,)


例句:TRM is a technology developed by Relatable, LLC as a unique bar code for digital media. (TRM是Relatable, LLC开发的技术,作为用于数字媒体的唯一条形码。)


例句:The effects of the composited lyotropic liquid crystal(LLC) and the true LLC templates on the structure of nanomaterials were reviewed. (主要综述了复合溶致液晶模板和真溶致液晶模板对于纳米材料结构的调控作用。)


例句:"I wish they had not done it, " said Whitney Tilson, founder and a managing partner of T2 Partners LLC, which owns Microsoft shares. (翻译:T2PartnersLLC创始人兼董事总经理WhitneyTilson说道:“我多希望他们没这样做。”该公司是微软股东。)


llc一般作为名词使用,如在LLC([计] 逻辑链路控制\n[化] 液液色谱法)、LLC protocol(逻辑链路控制协 议)、llc sublayer(LLC 子层)等常见短语中出现较多。

LLC[计] 逻辑链路控制\n[化] 液液色谱法
LLC protocol逻辑链路控制协 议
llc sublayerLLC 子层
llc type 1LLC 类型 1
llc type 2LLC 类型 2
llc type 3LLC 类型 3


1. The effects of the composited lyotropic liquid crystal(LLC) and the true LLC templates on the structure of nanomaterials were reviewed. (翻译:主要综述了复合溶致液晶模板和真溶致液晶模板对于纳米材料结构的调控作用。)

2. "I wish they had not done it, " said Whitney Tilson, founder and a managing partner of T2 Partners LLC, which owns Microsoft shares. (翻译:T2PartnersLLC创始人兼董事总经理WhitneyTilson说道:“我多希望他们没这样做。”该公司是微软股东。)

3. That is an LLC that Witten formed to build his casino. (翻译:是一家有限责任公司 Witten用来造的)

4. Any number of cores or LLCs may be used for this embodiment. (翻译:任何数量的核或llc都可用于该实施例。)

5. I came up with zilch until I went back two years ago, and I found an LLC in Jack's name. (翻译:于是我回到两年前 发现了一家Jack名下的有限责任公司)

6. It's about Tempest. Your wife's mysterious LLC, the one she diverted company funds to. (翻译:是关于暴风雨公司的 你妻子的神秘有限公司)

7. Tasneem Mirza is the Managing Partner of Exquisite Rugs LLC. (翻译:塔斯尼姆米尔扎是 经营合伙精美地毯链路。)

8. Based on this, it presents a novel soft switching LLC series resonant converter used for telecommunication rectifier. (翻译:在此基础上,设计了一种LLC串联谐振变换器。)

9. But Kidder will not be CEO of the new entity, which will be called Chrysler Group LLC. (翻译:但是基德尔不会总裁的新的实体,这将是所谓的克莱斯勒集团有限责任公司。)

10. Chrysler LLC chairman and chief executive Bob Nardelli a letter of intent for the loan had been signed. (翻译:克莱斯勒董事长兼首席执行官鲍勃纳德利关于贷款的意向书已签署了。)

11. One of the dieffenbachias at the Chili's restaurant in Evanston needs watering and has tweeted its status via the restaurant's Wi-Fi connection to Cardoon, LLC. (翻译:埃文斯顿的一家墨西哥式餐馆的一种花叶万年青需要浇水,通过餐馆到 Cardoon, LLC 的 Wi-Fi 连接来 tweet 其状态。)

12. MACR General Trading, LLC is supplying supplies world wide. We are located in Dubai UAE and ship all over the world. (翻译:宏观一般贸易,LLC是供应用品世界广。我们设在迪拜的阿联酋和船舶遍布世界各地。)

13. Spinnaker Coating LLC, of Troy, Ohio has opened a slitting distribution center in New York for pressure sensitive material. (翻译:三角帆涂料公司,在俄亥俄州特洛伊打开了压力敏感材料在纽约的分切的配送中心。)

14. Mindsets LLC helps organizations and individuals see their own blind spots. (翻译:Mindsets 有限责任公司帮助组织和个人发现自己的盲点。)

15. Ningbo Tanner Co. , Ltd. is a newly established WOFE of Tanner Companies LLC in BeiLun, Ningbo. (翻译:宁波唐纳服装有限公司新近在宁波北仑成立,是唐纳有限公司的独资子公司。)
