victoria是什么意思 victoria的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-08-07 21:18:21醉柳

1. 发音和拼写 - Victoria是一个常见的英文名字,但是它的拼写和发音都有点复杂。它的拼写中包含了很多元音字母,比如"i"和"o",所以在记忆时有一些难度。同时,Victoria的发音也有点棘手,在这个单词中包含了很多辅音字母,比如"ct"和"r",所以需要特别注意发音。


victoria是什么意思 victoria的中文翻译、读音、例句

- My friend's name is Victoria, but some people ounce it "Vick-tor-ee-ah" instead of "Vick-tor-ya".

- I always struggle with spelling "Victoria" because I can never remember whether to use an "i" or an "a".

- The voice actor did a great job of ouncing "Victoria" with the correct accents and inflections.

2. 历史和地理 - 除了是一个普通的英文名字之外,Victoria也是一些历史事件和地理地点的名称。例如,维多利亚女王是英国历史上最有名的女王之一,而维多利亚城则是加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省的一个重要城市。


- Queen Victoria ruled England for over 60 years, from 1837 to 1901.

- The city of Victoria, Canada, is located on Vancouver Island and is known for its beautiful gardens and waterfront.

- The Victoria Cross is the highest military decoration given to members of the British armed forces.

3. 缩写词 - 最后,Victoria也可以缩写成几个常见的词组,比如"VIC"和"Vic". 这些缩写词通常用于指代维多利亚州或维多利亚大学。


- I'm from VIC, which is short for Victoria, the state in Australia where I grew up.

- The Vic is a popular nickname for the University of Victoria in British Columbia.

- The Victoria and Albert Museum in London is often abbreviated as the V&A.



1. The city of Victoria is the capital of British Columbia. (维多利亚市是不列颠哥伦比亚省的省会。)

2. The Victoria Memorial is a famous monument in London. (维多利亚纪念碑是伦敦著名的纪念物。)

3. The Victoria Cross is the highest military decoration in the United Kingdom. (维多利亚十字勋章是英国最高的军事勋章。)

4. Queen Victoria was the longest-reigning monarch in British history. (维多利亚女王是英国历史上任期最长的君主。)

5. Victoria Beckham is a fashion designer and former Spice Girl. (维多利亚贝克汉姆是一位时装设计师和前“辣妹组合”成员。)

6. The Victoria Line is one of the busiest underground lines in London. (维多利亚线是伦敦最繁忙的地铁线之一。)

7. The Victoria Falls is a spectacular watell on the border of Zambia and Zimbabwe. (维多利亚瀑布是位于赞比亚和津巴布韦边境的壮丽瀑布。)

8. Victoria sponge cake is a clic British dessert. (维多利亚海绵蛋糕是一种经典的英国甜点。)

9. Victoria Station is one of the busiest train stations in London. (维多利亚车站是伦敦最繁忙的火车站之一。)





1. Victoria was thrilled to receive the award for best actress.


2. The city of Victoria is located on the southern tip of Vancouver Island.





例句:But we don't have two days. Victoria's birthday is tomorrow. (那可来不及 明天就是Victoria的生日)


例句:Victoria Abner has no arrests, but three years ago (Victoria Abner没有被逮捕过)


例句:And this is only the beginning of Victoria English. (这只是Victoria English的开始)


例句:And good luck to you, Tristan, with your Victoria. (翻译:祝你和Victoria能顺利 Tristan)


victoria一般作为名词使用,如在Fort Victoria([地名] *维多利亚堡(马斯温戈的旧称) ( 津 ))、Guadalupe Victoria([地名] 瓜达卢佩-维多利亚 ( 墨 ))、La Victoria([地名] 拉维多利亚 ( 秘、玻、墨、委、西 ))等常见短语中出现较多。

Fort Victoria[地名] *维多利亚堡(马斯温戈的旧称) ( 津 )
Guadalupe Victoria[地名] 瓜达卢佩-维多利亚 ( 墨 )
La Victoria[地名] 拉维多利亚 ( 秘、玻、墨、委、西 )
Lake Victorian. 维多利亚湖\n[网络] 淡水湖维多利亚湖;大湖维多利亚湖;湖泊维多利亚湖
Port Victoria[地名] 维多利亚港 ( 澳、肯、英 )
Puerto Victoria[地名] 维多利亚港 ( 巴拿、秘 )
Queen Victoria维多利亚女王
Salinas Victoria[地名] 萨利纳斯维多利亚 ( 墨 )
Santa Victoria[地名] 圣维多利亚 ( 阿根 )
Tambo Victoria[地名] 坦博维多利亚 ( 玻 )


1. And this is only the beginning of Victoria English. (翻译:这只是Victoria English的开始)

2. And good luck to you, Tristan, with your Victoria. (翻译:祝你和Victoria能顺利 Tristan)

3. Her name is Victoria Matsen, or at least that's the one she used then. (翻译:她叫Victoria Matsen 或者 是曾经用过这个名字)

4. Hanging out with victoria tonight? (翻译:{\fnarial black\fs12\bord1\shad0\4aH00\fscx90\fscy110}So,are you going to be okay hanging out with Victoria tonight?)

6. Victoria, you stand in the middle... you lovely, lovely goddess of light. (翻译:Victoria你站在中间 你是可爱的发光的女神)

7. improved Victoria Grayson. (翻译:一起来见证全新的维多利亚格雷森吧 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3c000000}{\4cH000000}to come and see the new... improved Victoria Grayson.)

8. Victoria Baker says she didn't do it either, despite Stephen being on the verge of ruining her career. (翻译:Victoria Baker 也否认,尽管Stephen 很有可能让她前途尽毁。)

9. I just... can you just tell me if Victoria... (翻译:我只是,你能告诉我 如果Victoria --)

10. - Why did you lie to me, Victoria? (翻译:为什么骗我 Victoria? 你和他一伙)

11. Victoria, I swear to Versace... if you weren't here, I'd be like a banana.. (翻译:Victoria我发誓 要是你不出现, 我就成了小人物)

12. Damn it, Victoria, where are you? (翻译:Pick up. {\fn黑体\fs22\bord1\shad0\3aHBE\4aH00\fscx67\fscy66\2cHFFFFFF\3cH808080}Victoria你在哪? 接电话啊?)

13. It looks like we may have to ask Victoria... to take us back. (翻译:看来我们只好请求Victoria 让我们回去)

14. Going on and on and on. Just Victoria this and Victoria that. (翻译:就知道不停地说Victoria这个Victoria那个的)

15. But things didn't quite go to plan, did they, Victoria? (翻译:但事情总不是预期那样顺利,Victoria)


