magic sword是什么意思 magic sword的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-08-08 09:56:20难深拥

Magic sword是一个英文词组,由两个单词组成,分别是“magic”和“sword”。其中,“magic”意为“魔法”的意思,是一个形容词,表示有神奇魔力的;而“sword”则意为“剑”,是一个名词,表示一种武器。

常用场景:Magic sword是一个常用于奇幻小说、游戏等场景中的词语,通常用来形容具有神奇力量的剑。在这些场景中,魔法剑通常是主人公的神秘宝物,会赋予主人公强大的能力和力量,帮助他战胜恶势力。

magic sword是什么意思 magic sword的中文翻译、读音、例句

词组搭配:Magic sword常用于一些与奇幻小说或游戏相关的词组搭配中,如“a powerful magic sword”(一个强大的魔法剑)、“a legendary magic sword”(一把传说中的魔法剑)等。

相关短语:与magic sword相关的短语有“enchant a sword”(给剑附魔)、“draw a sword”(拔剑)、“unsheathe a sword”(出鞘)、“lay down one’s sword”(束剑归田)等。

发音拼写:Magic sword的发音为 /mdk srd/,其中,“magic”发音为/mdk/,而“sword”发音为 /srd/。



读音:[mdk srd]


1. The hero drew his magic sword and fought against the dragon.(英雄拔出他的魔法剑与龙战斗。)

2. The magic sword glowed with a bright light as the spell was cast upon it.(魔法剑在施加咒语时发出明亮的光芒。)

magic sword通常被翻译为"魔法剑、魔法之剑"的意思,在英美地区还有"网络"的意思,在线发音:[magicsword],magic sword是一个英语名词,在《新英汉词典(第3版)》中,共找到20个与magic sword相关的句子。

Magic sword的释义


例句:You know, binding sword to stone used to be all the rage. (binding sword to stone used to be all the rage.)


例句:art,arts,design,entertainment,illusion,magic,music,technology (art,arts,design,entertainment,illusion,magic,music,technology)

例句:Say, where is the antique sword? (You want to die? where is the antique sword?)


例句:That old black magic called (翻译:古老的黑暗魔法 That old black magic called)


magic sword一般作为名词使用,如在sword(剑 )、the sword([电影]王羽的剑)、magic(魔术 )等常见短语中出现较多。

the sword[电影]王羽的剑
duelling sword重剑
eat a sword〈俚〉伤亡于刀剑之下;挨刀剑
eat sword=eat iron
draw ... sword[网络] 近战时抽出佩剑
draw the sword开战
fencing sword[网络] 击剑


1. Say, where is the antique sword? (翻译:You want to die? where is the antique sword?)

2. That old black magic called (翻译:古老的黑暗魔法 That old black magic called)

3. - I don't text her back. - (Chuckling) Why not? (翻译:you dreamed up a magic woman)

4. brain,entertainment,illusion,magic (翻译:brain,entertainment,illusion,magic)

5. The sword swallower swallowed a swollen sword. (翻译:吞剑人吞了一把膨胀的剑。)

6. ♪ this magic spell you cast (翻译:*This magic spell you cast*)

7. I was afraid you'd be too tired. (翻译:I just saw a magic train)

8. Recently somewhere in Shichen, the sword of Chin Emperor has been found (翻译:No... the sword of Chin Emperor has been found)

9. I'm his sword or vessel or something. (翻译:sword or vessel or something.)

10. # Only you have that magic technique (翻译:∮ Only you have that magic technique)

11. Must they wait and suffer? (翻译:not by the sword. 他们必须忍耐受苦 Must they wait and suffer?)

12. arts,entertainment,magic,storytelling (翻译:arts,entertainment,magic,storytelling)

13. The oldest magic store in the world is here. (翻译:The oldest magic store in the world is here.)

14. entertainment,magic,technology (翻译:entertainment,magic,technology)

15. Far-off places, daring sword fights, magic spells, a prince in disguise. (翻译:有梦幻城堡有的打斗 还有魔咒跟白马王子)
