微瑕用英语怎么说 微瑕的英语翻译

生活学习2023-08-08 11:30:22猛虎下山

微瑕用英语翻译为"scabbiness",还网络中常译为"secondary flaw",在《荷林斯高阶英汉词典》中,共找到36个与微瑕相关释义和例句。

微瑕用英语怎么说 微瑕的英语翻译

1. WeiWang accept "son eat no defect WeiLing is half a pound of male dote on the second son defect typical case. "


2. it's a painted picte, flawless.

3. i will unfend you on Weibo, Facebook, instagrm, and WeChat!

译文:微博、facebook、instagram 微信我全部取消你关注。

4. Now, eets, who's eeting?

5. No email, no Facebook updates.

6. i'm going to plaster it on.

7. And forget about Zheng Wei

8. i'd nr seen anything so perfect.

9. - What a pity. The jade is in a box, and the golden pin is covered by mud.

10. So i could post it on Weibo.

11. - it looks maificent to me.
