umol是什么意思 umol的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-08-08 18:28:20逆流

1. 定义:'umol'是摩尔计量单位的一种,表示一摩尔物质中所含有的微摩尔数量,即一百万分之一摩尔。

umol是什么意思 umol的中文翻译、读音、例句

2. 用途:'umol'通常用于描述溶液或气体中物质的浓度,特别是在生化学和医学领域中应用广泛。

3. 计算:在计算'umol'时,需要将物质的摩尔数乘以1,000,000(一百万),再除以所涉及的体积或质量。

4. 换算:'umol'可以与其他浓度单位进行换算,如摩尔(mol)、毫摩尔(mmol)和纳摩尔(nmol)等。


1. The concentration of ATP in cells is about 5 mM, which is equivalent to 5,000 umol/L.

细胞中的ATP浓度约为5 mM,相当于5,000 umol/L。

2. The recommended daily intake of iron for women is 18 mg, which is equivalent to 100 umol.

女性每日推荐的铁摄入量为18毫克,相当于100 umol。

3. The concentration of glucose in diabetic patients' blood is usually higher than 10 mmol/L, which is equivalent to 10,000 umol/L.

糖尿病患者血液中的葡萄糖浓度通常高于10 mmol/L,相当于10,000 umol/L。

4. The concentration of neurotransmitters in the brain can be measured in nmol/g tissue or umol/L of cerebrospinal fluid.


5. The recommended daily intake of vitamin C for s is 75 mg, which is equivalent to 416 umol.

每日推荐的维生素C摄入量为75毫克,相当于416 umol。



1. The concentration of the solution is 10 mol/L.


2. The recommended daily intake of vitamin C is 60-90 mol/day.





例句:It is proved that the MOL resolution principle is complete. (本文证明了MOL归结原理是完备的。)

例句:and "law order, the s.u.v." (Law Order The S. U. V等的编剧)


例句:Lost power supply redundancy. Check PSU cables. (丢失电源设备冗余。请检查PS U电缆。)


例句:- You said 2:1 right for the mole ratio? - Yeah. (翻译:你说 Mol Ratio 是 2∶1, 对吧,)


1. Lost power supply redundancy. Check PSU cables. (翻译:丢失电源设备冗余。请检查PS U电缆。)

2. - You said 2:1 right for the mole ratio? - Yeah. (翻译:你说 Mol Ratio 是 2∶1, 对吧,)

3. Tompkins Square U. Plenty of guys. (翻译:Tompkins Square U. 男生很多)

4. Some changes in spectra are interpreted in terms of the different mol. packing and interaction of chain. (翻译:从不同的分子堆积结构和分子间相互作用的角度讨论了光谱变化。)

5. I think Mr. Castwidth had a USB drive on him detailing everything. (翻译:Castwidth先生有个U盘记录来龙去脉)

6. If it says U/North, pull it aside. Anything that says U/North. (翻译:如果提到了U/North公司,就放在一边 任何提到U/North的材料)

7. There is sparing of gray matter and subcortical U-fibers. (翻译:灰质和皮质下u形纤维尚正常。)

8. NkT So u configurational, in that case, is just NkT. (翻译:所以构型u在这种情况下就是。)

9. When laminarin as an immune activator was present, phenoloxidase (PO) activities in cell debris, hemocyte lysate solution and plasma were measured as 26.80, 16.68, and 2.53 u, respectively. (翻译:在免疫激活剂昆布多糖存在下,分别测得小菜蛾幼虫血细胞碎片、血细胞裂解液和血浆的酚氧化酶活性为26.80 U, 16.68 U和2.53 U。)

10. Mole or mol : Standard unit for measuring everyday quantities of such minute entities as atoms or molecules. (翻译:莫耳:平时测量像原子或分子这些极小实体的量所用的标准单位。)

11. The SUV's still running, so get in! (翻译:车子等着呢 快上车! The S. U.)

12. This was a threat on U.S. soil. (翻译:这是美国本土发现的威胁 This was a threat on U.)

13. Oh, Mol. Molly, come on, stay out here with us. (翻译:噢 Mol Molly 来吧 和我们待在外面吧)

14. However, proceedings were delayed today when the U.S. delegation refused to attend the morning session after hearing reports that the U.S.S.R. (翻译:proceedings were delayed today when the U. S. delegation)

15. Collecting for the Unlucky Fisherman's Association? (翻译:科尔电视机针对U nlucky 渔民协会?)
