shader是什么意思 shader的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-08-08 21:22:20橘妹

词义:Shader (n.)是一个计算机编程术语,指的是一个用来在图形处理单元(GPU)上执行计算任务的小程序。

词性:Shader 是一个名词。

shader是什么意思 shader的中文翻译、读音、例句

词组搭配:shader program(着色器程序),pixel shader(像素着色器),vertex shader(顶点着色器),fragment shader(片元着色器)等。




1. Shader programs are utilized in computer graphics to calculate the rendering details of 2D or 3D images.(着色器程序在计算机图形学中被用来计算2D或3D图像的渲染细节。)

2. The vertex shader is responsible for rendering the 3D models in the scene.(顶点着色器负责渲染场景中的3D模型。)

3. A fragment shader is used for determining the pixel color on the screen. (片元着色器用于确定屏幕上像素的颜色。)

4. The pixel shader is often used to create complex lighting effects for video games. (像素着色器经常被用于为视频游戏创建复杂的光效。)

5. Developers can use shader programs to optimize the performance of real-time 3D applications.(开发者可以使用着色器程序来优化实时3D应用程序的性能。)



1. English: Shaders are programs that run on graphics hardware to produce various effects.


2. French: Les shaders sont des programmes qui s'excutent sur le matriel graphique pour produire divers effets.


3. Spanish: Los shaders son programas que se ejecutan en el hardware grfico para producir diversos efectos.


4. German: Shader sind Programme, die auf der Grafikhardware ausgefhrt werden, um verschiedene Effekte zu erzeugen.


5. Portuguese: Shaders so programas que so executados no hardware grfico para produzir vrios efeitos.


6. Russian: - , .


7. Arabic: .




1. 许多电子游戏都是通过编写着色器来创建美丽的图像。

Many video games create beautiful graphics by writing shaders.

2. 这个着色器程序会计算每个像素的颜色。

This shader program calculates the color of each pixel.

3. 这个3D渲染引擎使用着色器来增强图像质量。

This 3D rendering engine uses shaders to enhance the quality of the images.




例句:So it is possible to re-use the data of the input registers in the next vertex shader. (也就是说,有可能重新使用输入寄存器的数据在下一个顶点着色器。)


例句:All the texturing, Sculpting and polypainting for the Shader Blend maps was done in Zbrush 3. (所有的纹理,polypainting认真工作为材质混合了地图需要3。)


例句:There is also a new shader architecture that can be applied to any control or element. (此外还有一个新的着色效果框架,可以施加到WPF中的任何控件和元素上。)


shader一般作为名词使用,如在fragment shader([网络] 片段着色器;片断着色器;片元着色器)、pixel shader([网络] 像素着色器;像素渲染;像素渲染引擎)、vertex shader(顶点着色)等常见短语中出现较多。

fragment shader[网络] 片段着色器;片断着色器;片元着色器
pixel shader[网络] 像素着色器;像素渲染;像素渲染引擎
vertex shader顶点着色


1. There is also a new shader architecture that can be applied to any control or element. (翻译:此外还有一个新的着色效果框架,可以施加到WPF中的任何控件和元素上。)

2. On the left side of the graph is the Carbody Shader. 2 different Materials are created from this: Blue car Material and Red car Material. (翻译:图表的左边是车体着色器。2个不同的材质是这样创建的:蓝色的汽车材质和红色的汽车材质。)

3. The Carbody shader also accepts a tint colour, whichis set to a different colour for the red and blue cars, giving each car adifferent look while using a single texture for both of them. (翻译:上述车体模型使用相同的纹理,通过修改着色器脚本的颜色属性即可修改材质颜色为红或者蓝色。)

4. With the era of programmable graphics hardware, shader replaces the traditional fixed rendering pipeline to achieve more realistic effects. (翻译:随着可编程图形硬件时代的到来,着色器替代了传统的固定渲染管线以实现更加逼真的图像效果。)

5. The ROPs per shader ratio has gone down dramatically which speaks volumes about the intended target market of the GF100 line. (翻译:每着色的专业人员应有的比例已经大幅下降,这充分说明了线的GF100预定目标市场交易量。)

6. The timeshift shader has the parameter "Data Name" to determine from which user data the offset is taken. (翻译:时间偏移着色器具有参数“数据名称”,以确定从哪个用户数据获取偏移量。)

7. Visually designing shader programs and effect files. (翻译:视觉设计着色程序和效果文件。)

8. If you see a shader count of 1600, your GPU-Z version is outdated. (翻译:如果你的看到的是1600,那是因为GPU - Z版本太低。)

9. Of course, in the vertex shader I just write a general equation so we don't have to deal with each special case individually like this. (翻译:当然,在顶点着色器中,我们可以使用一个通用的公式来计算和叠加光照,而不需要像上面提到的那样分别应付各种不同的情形。)

10. It allows my skin shader always reflect some light from the environment, even where the skin doesn't seem to be reflective. (翻译:它使我的皮肤材质能够反射一些旁边环境的光线,甚至是那些看起来并没有反射的皮肤。)

11. However, as EVGA, company BFG considers necessary to raise the frequency of shader block nonsignificant amount 50-100 MHz. (翻译:不过,由于evga、煤气公司认为必要提高频率着色座50-100兆赫的微不足道。)


