goddess是什么意思 goddess的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-08-09 19:58:17紫蕊


goddess是什么意思 goddess的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 文学和文化传统


2. 现代时尚


3. 网络语言和社交媒体



1. She was a goddess among mortals, with her beauty and grace leaving everyone mesmerized. 她是凡人中的女神,她的美貌和优雅让每个人都为之倾倒。

2. The goddess Athena was known for her intelligence, strength, and strategic thinking. 英勇的战争之神雅典娜以智慧、力量和策略著称。

3. She looked like a goddess in that white dress, with her long hair flowing and a radiant smile on her face. 她穿着白色的裙子看起来像一个女神,长发飘动,脸上有灿烂的笑容。

4. He worshipped her like a goddess, always doing everything in his power to make her happy. 他把她视为女神,总是尽自己的努力让她开心。

5. She was the goddess of the dance floor, moving with such grace and fluidity that she seemed to be floating on air. 她是舞池中的女神,动作如此轻盈流畅,仿佛悬浮在空中。




1. The ancient Greeks believed in many goddesses, including Athena, Aphrodite, and Hera.(古希腊人信仰多位女神,其中包括雅典娜、阿芙罗狄蒂和赫拉。)

2. She looked like a goddess in her flowing white dress.(她穿着一件飘逸的白色连衣裙,看起来像一个女神。)

3. In Hinduism, Lakshmi is the goddess of wealth and prosperity.(印度教中,拉克什米是财富和繁荣的女神。)




例句:That ' s a problem if people know that you are the Goddess (你是女神的事 如果让这世界的人知道就糟了)


例句:The Goddess of Fortune is so cruel to separate two friends. (命运女神活生生地把两个朋友分开了 真残忍)


例句:Please... great goddess Nagato! (请你务必... 我也请求你了 长门大明神)


例句:Minerva, goddess of wisdom. (翻译:密涅瓦 智慧女神 Minerva, goddess of wisdom.)


goddess一般作为名词使用,如在earth goddess([网络] 地球女神;大地女神)、domestic goddess([网络] 家政女皇;家政女神;家内女神)、Goddess bless([网络] 女神保佑)等常见短语中出现较多。

earth goddess[网络] 地球女神;大地女神
domestic goddess[网络] 家政女皇;家政女神;家内女神
Goddess bless[网络] 女神保佑
Goddess forbid[网络] 女神禁止
Goddess knows[网络] 女神知道
goddess of mercy[电影]玉观音
good Goddess[网络] 好女神
great goddess[网络] 伟大女神
green goddess[网络] 绿色女神;绿色的女神;春之女神
mother goddess[网络] 母神;母亲女神;母亲神


1. Please... great goddess Nagato! (翻译:请你务必... 我也请求你了 长门大明神)

2. Minerva, goddess of wisdom. (翻译:密涅瓦 智慧女神 Minerva, goddess of wisdom.)

3. Able to receive treatment from the Goddess (翻译:能够接受三位女神的治疗 萤一直是个幸运儿)

4. Athene is the goddess of wisdom. (翻译:雅典娜是智慧女神。)

5. On a stage in Notre Dame, an actress posed as the Goddess of Reason. (翻译:在巴黎院的舞台上, 由一位女演员扮演理性女神。)

6. Babylonian-Akkadian fertility goddess. (翻译:巴比伦的生产女神。)

7. To him, Teresa was a goddess, to be worshipped from afar. (翻译:对他来说 特瑞莎是女神 从远处膜拜的女神)

8. Run, Teela! The Goddess will not let me die. (翻译:The Goddess will not let me die.)

9. He would identify the goddess Isis with some Greek goddess. (翻译:将艾西斯女神与某个希腊女神联系起来。)

10. That land will be developed ... if he drags the Goddess into this (翻译:观音都搬出来了 娇婶的地肯定要变成发展区)

11. For a son... you need to pray to Goddess of Mercy (翻译:大家听见了没有 妈的,你今天还不还钱 不还钱就别想走)

12. The river was personified as a goddess. (翻译:这条河被人格化,成为一位女神。)

13. Pray the goddess may bless our worthy cause. (翻译:{\3cH937D2D\fs22}愿神保佑我们取得成功{\fs18\3cH3E3E4B} Pray the goddess may bless our worthy cause.)

14. A Nereid, goddess of the sea and the wife of Poseidon. (翻译:海中仙女,海的女神,波塞顿之妻。)

15. ATE: the goddess of criminal rashness and consequent punishment. (翻译:埃特:引人草率行事并受到惩罚的犯罪女神。)


