假指甲用英语怎么说 假指甲的英语翻译

生活学习2023-08-10 11:30:19不放手

假指甲英语有两种说法,可以翻译为 Nails,还经常被译作fake nail,在《郎文英汉双解大词典》中,共找到81个与假指甲相关释义和例句。

1. The press-on nail on the floor likely came off at this time.

2. After that i'll use a nailbrush to clean yo nails.

假指甲用英语怎么说 假指甲的英语翻译

3. Benjamin, don't bite yo nails.

4. Number three is called "pulling nails fm fingers."

5. What gave me the final pof were the dark polished fingernails of those o hands.

6. i was also wondeng about false nails.

7. Those chubby redheads with the long, fake fingernails?

8. He cuts his nails and makes his bed.

9. The colo of yo skin, the freckles, the blood vessels, the ngs, the fingernails, the fake fingernails... take in all those details ght before you close yo eyes.

译文:皮肤颜, 斑点,血管,戒指,指甲,假指甲... 在闭眼睛之前,要把握所有细节.。

10. This is no time for that, you idiots!

11. Like yo fingernail or yo heart.

12. in young people, fingernail discoloration o most common clinical types are remotelateral subungual onychomycosis and white superficial onychomycosistype type onychomycosis onychomycosis.


13. Some of his nails are bken.

14. - Give me the fingernail scissors.
