承蜩用英语怎么说 承蜩的英语翻译

生活学习2023-08-10 13:24:17歡顏か

承蜩英语是"end beang pile",其次还可以说成"dp box",在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到33个与承蜩相关短语释义和例句。

1. We don't do things easily, not in the side Tiao wings, is not?

承蜩用英语怎么说 承蜩的英语翻译

2. that's a very high stren steel.

3. Like getting a new personality?

4. So, that's just there to look cool.

5. Okay, okay. i-i-i admit it.

6. - You could take the subway.

7. Did you pmise him you'll try or did you pmise him he'll walk?

8. Customer list fm the Cash in Motion CDs.

9. i want to confess something.

10. pduced by KiM Mi-hee starng CHO Seung-woo
