ohlala是什么意思 ohlala的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-08-10 15:31:26⒈米阳光


ohlala是什么意思 ohlala的中文翻译、读音、例句




Ohlala在口语中通常作为感叹词使用,例如,当你看到一件令人吃惊的事情时,你可以会说“Ohlala!”。它也可以用于表示你感到性兴奋或者感到一些什么事情非常棒,例如,“The view from the top of the mountain was incredible. Ohlala!”




1. Ohlala, I can't believe my eyes! - 哦啦啦,我简直不敢相信自己的眼睛!

2. Ohlala, your new dress is so gorgeous! - 哦啦啦,你的新裙子太漂亮了!

3. Ohlala! This wine is absolutely delicious! - 哦啦啦,这款葡萄酒太好喝了!

4. John just told me he won the lottery. Ohlala! - 约翰刚刚告诉我他中了彩票。哦啦啦!

5. Ohlala, he's so handsome! - 哦啦啦,他太帅了!





1. She walked into the party wearing a stunning red dress and everyone around her just said "ohlala".


2. When he played the guitar, it was like magic. His fingers moved so fast and the melody was just 'ohlala'.






例句:We're going to do the tongue next with exaggerated la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la. (下一个是舌头, 夸张的啦,啦,啦,啦…… )


例句:# Saa la la la la la la la... # ...something that connected with people and helped them as they suffered through the human condition... (足以引起人们共鸣 帮助人们度过生命中的难关)


例句:- ♪ And it looks like we're gonna get some of the pie ♪ - ♪ La la la-la-la ♪ (- 它看起来像我们要去得到一些的馅饼 - 啦啦啦,啦啦)


1. - ♪ And it looks like we're gonna get some of the pie ♪ - ♪ La la la-la-la ♪ (翻译:- 它看起来像我们要去得到一些的馅饼 - 啦啦啦,啦啦)

2. - ♪ La la la-la-la la la ♪ - ♪ Trying to do business is cramping my style ♪ (翻译:- 啦啦啦啦,啦啦啦 - 尝试做生意是抽筋我的风格)

3. ♪ Fa la la la la la la la la ♪ (翻译:♪ Fa la la la la la la la la ♪)

4. Ti Re Mi Re Ti La Ti Re Fa Fa La Ti Do. (翻译:Ti Re Mi Re Ti La Ti Re Fa Fa La Ti Do.)

5. The decay of the fundaments of the city. Loutocracy! (翻译:城市基础的瓦解 La dliquescence des fondamentaux de la cit,)

6. I am the gunman Marco Ramos nicknamed La Cebra. (翻译:我就是Marco Ramos称作La Cebra的 I am the gunman Marco Ramos nicknamed La Cebra.)

7. Mes amis, nous allons jouer la specialite de la maison. (翻译:Mes amis, nous allons jouer la spcialit de la maison.)

8. La Ia Ia La Ia Ia Ia Ia... (翻译:La Ia Ia La Ia Ia Ia Ia...)

9. That's you all over, profitability! (翻译:La rendabilit avant tout.)

10. - La-di-da, gracious great lady. (翻译:- What stuff? - La -di)

11. We figure he mimicked La Cebra. (翻译:我们认为他模仿了La Cebra Uh, we figure he mimicked La Cebra.)

12. La, la, la, la, la la, la, yeah (翻译:啦, 啦, 啦, 啦, 啦 啦, 啦, 也)

13. Discipline is the basic of respect. (翻译:纪律是尊重他人的根本 La discipline est la mre despect.)

14. They call him La Cebra in Mexico. (翻译:在墨西哥 他们叫他La Cebra They call him La Cebra in Mexico.)

15. ABC Miss ~ la la la la la ~ born too beautiful and innocent ~ his grandmother (翻译:ABC~啦啦啦啦啦~ 生得漂亮又天真~ 的)
