sinful是什么意思 sinful的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-08-14 12:25:23初遇

1. 词性和词义:'sinful'是一个形容词,意为“有罪的,有过失的,不道德的”,表示违背道德或准则的行为或想法。

2. 同义词和反义词:同义词包括:wicked, immoral, corrupt, evil;反义词包括:righteous, virtuous, moral, ethical。

sinful是什么意思 sinful的中文翻译、读音、例句

3. 语境:该词一般出现在、道德、法律等相关的话题中,常被用来形容犯罪、不道德、不良行为等。

4. 派生词:'sinfully'是副词形式,表示“罪恶地,地”;'sinfulness'是名词形式,表示“罪恶,”。

5. 例句:

(1) It's sinful to cheat on exams. (作弊是不道德的。)

(2) She felt sinful for stealing from the store. (她因为从商店感到有罪。)

(3) He committed a sinful act by betraying his friend. (他背叛朋友的行为是不道德的。)

(4) The company's sinful practices were exposed by the media. (公司的恶劣行为被媒体曝光了。)

(5) The pastor preached about the consequences of sinful behavior. (牧师讲道了罪恶行为的后果。)



1. He did something sinful and felt guilty about it.


2. The pastor preached about the consequences of sinful behavior.


3. She couldn't resist the temptation and gave in to her sinful desires.





例句:'In that case then, ' said the yogi, 'all the members of your family share in these sinful deeds. ' (“那么在这种情况下”,瑜伽士说道:“你的每一个家庭成员都要承担这些罪业。”)


例句:This was a sinful curiosity, and I stifled it to the best of my abilityJohn Galt . (这种好奇心是罪恶的,我尽了我最大的力量来抑制它。)


例句:He was versatile: sinful, enthusiastic, a drunk, a party animal. (他也是一个多面人: 罪恶的人,热情的人,酒鬼,派对王子)


例句:This King was sinful, lazy, he was kept on the throne only because he was the Czarina's lover. (翻译:这个国王是罪恶的, 他仍然在位 是因为他是沙皇皇后的情人)


sinful一般作为形容词使用,如在Sinful Stock([网络] 罪恶股)、sinful thoughts([法] 充满罪恶的思想)等常见短语中出现较多。

Sinful Stock[网络] 罪恶股
sinful thoughts[法] 充满罪恶的思想


1. He was versatile: sinful, enthusiastic, a drunk, a party animal. (翻译:他也是一个多面人: 罪恶的人,热情的人,酒鬼,派对王子)

2. This King was sinful, lazy, he was kept on the throne only because he was the Czarina's lover. (翻译:这个国王是罪恶的, 他仍然在位 是因为他是沙皇皇后的情人)

3. But the Lord finally tired of man's sinful ways and sent a representative, or was it perhaps an angel, to steer them onto the proper path. (翻译:但主终于厌倦了人类的罪孽行为... 派来一个代表 或者说是天使... 引导他们回归正确道路)

4. According to Klawans and others, ritual impurity arises from physical substances and states which are not in themselves sinful. (翻译:据克洛文和其他人所说,仪式上的不洁产生于物质和状态,它们本身并不有罪。)

5. Well, if you are born in sin ... you sinful life. (翻译:好吧,如果你是出生在罪... 你罪孽深重的生活。)

6. Boko Haram, meaning "Western education is sinful" , originates in Maiduguri, capital of the north-eastern state of Borno. (翻译:博科海姆,即“西方教化”之意,源自尼日利亚东北部布诺州首府迈都纳瑞。)

7. Mistress, if you do not speak out his name, wear upon your bodice this symbol of your sinful fornication. (翻译:太太,如果你不说出他的名字 你必须在胸前挂上 这个罪恶的的标记)

8. And in my sinful heart a small joy arose. (翻译:我不说谎 当时我的灵魂是肮脏的 在内心深处产生了小小的喜悦)

9. God casts fire and brimstone down on the sinful cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. (翻译:上帝降下火和硫磺... 摧毁罪恶之都索多玛和哥摩拉)

10. iniquitous deeds; he said it was sinful to wear lipstick; ungodly acts. (翻译:不公正的行为;他说抹口红是罪恶的;不虔诚的行为。)

11. But he hid it cunningly from men, and walked among you with the mien of a spirit, mournful, because so pure in a sinful world! (翻译:其实他很悲哀,因为在这个罪孽的世界上人们竟把他看得如此纯洁!)

12. As men, and especially as sinful men, we have no ability and no prerogative to determine for ourselves what God would be like. (翻译:作为人,特别是有罪的人,我们没有能力、也没有权利为自己决定神会像什么。)

13. Let me treat this woman, so we do not make a sinful mistake. (翻译:让我治疗这个女人吧 那么我们就不会因犯错而造孽)

14. Do not unite my soul with the sinful and the murderous man of my life. (翻译:请别把我一生与这恶人 请别把我一生与这恶人 请别把我一生与这恶人 请别把我一生与这恶人)

15. The sinful nature which we inherited from Adam carries with it a predisposition to disobey God. (翻译:我们从亚当继承而来的有罪本性中带着一种违背上帝的倾向。)


