蔺读什么用英语怎么说 蔺读什么英语翻译

生活学习2023-09-24 22:51:29绯尘︵

蔺读什么英语翻译是"eleochas aeiculas r.br.",其次还可以说成"eleochas japonica miq.",在《郎文英汉双解大词典》中,共找到个与蔺读什么相关翻译和例句。

18. eleochas aeiculas r.br.

蔺读什么用英语怎么说 蔺读什么英语翻译

蔺读什么翻译为eleochas aeiculas r.br.。

示例:Study on Regenerative Corm Ppagation of Eleochas tubesa 荸荠再生球繁殖研究

示例:Chemical Constituents of Equisetum ramosissimum 节节化学成分研究

18. eleochas aeiculas r.br.(牛毛毡蔺;松叶蔺)

18. eleochas japonica miq.(刺蔺)

18. juncus bengensis buchen(山蔺)

18. juncus maximowiczii buchen(丝蔺)

18. equisetum scirpoides michx.(蔺状木贼)

18. What the devil am i reading that for?

18. Why do i need to read these?

18. What if what i just read is true?

18. Of cose. What should i read?

18. What's yo degree in, dentistry?

18. i'll read something for you.

19. Anybody else got something they want read?

20. - She can't n read any books!

21. Don't you wanna read something?

16. -What do you want to do, darling?

17. What are the trendy books of the West now?

18. - Read me that story. - What story?

19. Which pmary school did you go to?

20. i'll whip yo ass. You don't be reading my stuff.

21. Noble work, Miss Landrex. - This is truly noble work.
