tightly是什么意思 tightly的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-09-25 11:11:29旧巴黎

Tightly 是一个副词,可以指表示“紧紧地”、“牢牢地”、“密切地”、“紧密地”等含义。具体来说,从四个方面来分析:

1. 用途:Tightly 可以用于表示人或物的关系,也可以用来描述时间、财务等方面的关系。

tightly是什么意思 tightly的中文翻译、读音、例句

2. 同义词:tight, firm, secure。

3. 搭配词:Tightly knit, tightly held, tightly wrapped, tightly packed。

4. 反义词:loosely, slackly, carelessly。


1. The rope was tightly bound around the wooden post.


2. The two countries have a tightly woven economic relationship.


3. The company's finances are tightly controlled by the board of directors.


4. The sofa cushions were tightly packed, them difficult to move.


5. She held onto his arm tightly as they walked down the steep hill.





1. She hugged her child tightly.


2. The rope was tied tightly to the tree.


3. He gripped the steering wheel tightly and drove faster.





例句:I think your man there is a little too tightly wound (我不打算再讨论这事了 我知道 我只想请你帮个忙)


例句:Hang on to each other... tightly. ({\3cH937D2D\fs22}你们现在抱住对方... {\fs18\3cH3E3E4B} Hang on to each other... {\3cH937D2D\fs22}紧紧抱住{\fs18\3cH3E3E4B} tightly.)


例句:Grip the rope as tightly as you can. (尽可能紧紧抓住绳子。)


例句:So whatever is responsible for this cancellation is extremely tightly coupled with tempo causality. (翻译:因此不管是什么造成了自身动作的抵消 一定与因果之间的步调大有联系 )


tightly一般作为副词、动词使用,如在fit tightly(紧密配合)、tightly coupled(【计算机】紧密耦合)、tightly fitting([网络] 紧贴)等常见短语中出现较多。

fit tightly紧密配合
tightly coupled【计算机】紧密耦合
tightly fitting[网络] 紧贴
tightly knit[网络] 紧密的;紧密联结
tightly packed用填料密封紧的
tightly sealed[医]密封的
tightly bond wave紧?波
tightly bound water强结合水
tightly bulged ends[网络] 胖听


1. Grip the rope as tightly as you can. (翻译:尽可能紧紧抓住绳子。)

2. So whatever is responsible for this cancellation is extremely tightly coupled with tempo causality. (翻译:因此不管是什么造成了自身动作的抵消 一定与因果之间的步调大有联系 )

3. Packed tightly together, they form one of the densest gatherings of marine mammals on Earth. (翻译:它们密密麻麻地挤在一起 这是世界上最密集的 海洋哺乳动物场所之一)

4. Smalltalk was the first environment I know of that had a tightly coupled language. (翻译:Smalltalk是我所知道的第一个与语言紧密联系的环境。)

5. They were packed tightly in the trucks, or in the cars of the narrow-gauge railway. (翻译:他们经由这条铁路到达目的地 在车上,他们很拥挤 在车厢里也是如此)

6. Can auditive agnail cause ear to cover tightly? (翻译:耳朵发炎会引起耳闷吗? )

7. For the wood on top, each was fixed tightly by twelve copper nails. (翻译:上面的这些木头 每一块都用十二枚铜钉镶死)

8. Packed tightly together for warmth, the deserted pups are left in a wriggling, squeaking creche. (翻译:幼崽便紧紧抱在一起取暖 留下的幼崽都聚集在一个地方,身躯尖叫)

9. There are moments when life distills itself very tightly, just for a second. (翻译:有些时候,当生活提炼得十分紧密,只是一秒钟。)

10. We cling to each other tightly be it in paradise or in our dreams (翻译:相偎相依,长在我身傍 也许是美丽的天堂 也许是迷惘的梦乡)

11. You even held me tightly and forcing me to kiss you. (翻译:还抱着我硬要亲嘴 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}You even held me tightly and forcing me to kiss you. 什么什么?)

12. And in a tightly coupled world, that's very hard to predict. (翻译:在这样一个人与人紧密相连的世界, 这太难以预计了。)

13. Come on, Lily, we have a tightly scheduled evening of awesomeness ahead of us. (翻译:{\fn黑体\fs22\bord1\shad0\3aHBE\4aH00\fscx67\fscy66\2cHFFFFFF\3cH808080}拜托, Lily, 我们面前的是 一个行程紧密的狂欢之夜 {\fnarial black\fs12\bord1\shad0\4aH00\fscx90\fscy110}Come on,Lily,we have a tightly scheduled evening of awesomeness ahead of us.)

14. Gonzales held tightly to the gearshift and kept his foot steady on the throttle. (翻译:Gonzales紧紧地握着变速杆,脚固定在油门上。)

15. Histidine likes to bind tightly to zinc ions. (翻译:组氨酸喜欢跟锌离子紧密结合。)
