路飞生日用英语怎么说 路飞生日英语翻译

生活学习2023-10-02 14:11:28森蝶

路飞生英语是"birthday present",还网络中常译为"birthday",在《郎文当代高级英语辞典》中,共找到49个与路飞生相关短语释义和例句。

路飞生日用英语怎么说 路飞生日英语翻译

1. Do Luffy, you do what? Nothing, just a baston.

2. Luffy has a stomach ache! ?

3. Hey, Luffy! Don't overdo it!

4. The car scorched off down the ad.

5. They fly into this thing, and they fly all the way down it.

6. Luffy, what are you talking about?

7. As expected of you, Master Luffy.

8. Nami-san, do you see Luffy?

9. Luffy natally didn't know any of that.

10. Luffy-san, are you here? !

11. isn't Luffy is well? i do not know anything of it.

12. ♪ Going all the way-yay-yay ♪

13. Hey Luffy, what're you standing there for?
